Chapter 6

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Waking up this morning was for once a pleasurable experience; it was soft and warm. I could feel all my children surrounding my body which made me feel at peace. All three were still breathing evenly indicating that they are still asleep. I roll onto my back making sure to not startle them, just relaxing. It's so peaceful and soft in this bed and I finally feel clean and fresh.

After a little while there was a tap on the door and it started to open, Thatcher walked in, slowly observing me on my back surrounded by fluffballs and he laughed to himself slightly. It sounded like deep bells and was music to my ears, my hyena laughed from my mouth to indicate our delight with the sound.

"Morning Casius."

I cackle back and shake myself out. I hop of the bed, the pups were beginning to move around and make noise, so I wasn't worried about waking them. I stumble forward and rub myself against his legs and cackle to let him now I was happy to see him. It was normal in my clan to accept your mate and be very affectionate rather quickly and I was hoping it was the same in this pack.

He rubs my head with his large palm and gestures out the door saying that the pack was making breakfast and I was expected to be at the least 2 meals a day. He seems to think I am small or something?

I nod and wait for the cubs to catch up to me before we leave this area of the house and into the same room we began in yesterday. There were a few pack members milling around and the two people I first met were sharing one chair and chatting very lowly.

"Good morning everyone." Thatcher called out to which a chorus of morning and hellos were called back. He sits at the top chair of the table after carrying over a plate of food from the kitchen. Before sitting he glances at me and piles a plate high full of meat from the thing, he called a fridge and placed it beside his chair and tells me its for the children and me. I left the small ones know and they run for the food and water next to his chair and I sit back to wait for the end. However, a hand is placed at my muzzle with a chunk of meat on it attached to a smiling Thatcher. I cackle gratefully and get to work on the bony meat loving the marrow part the best.

"How are you doing hyena?" the taller male that met me in the forest asks in a light tone, his partner on the other hand smacks him up the side of the head saying and I quote "He has a name Todd! Use it"

"Sorry Jace, goddess! No need to be so aggressive, how are you Casius?" he says rubbing the side of his head as Jace fumes in his chair going a blood colour in the face. I cackle hoping he understands I know he meant no harm, I'm literally a hyena.

The cubs are now in a slight food coma and are lounging around me and Thatchers chair. I smile awkwardly in this form at how comfortable they are here in less than one sunrise, they must have missed a clan like environment. I wish I could have given them what they needed but we are here now and I'm hoping this is where we will stay.

I've finished my breakfast and now I'm just lazing around Thatcher and the cubs. I wonder what we are doing today? How does this pack work? I'll have to ask. I shift and am now sitting cross legged on the ground in front of Thatcher.

"Casius hello." The deep voice of shock comes from withing Thatcher.

"What do today?" I question.

"We will discuss that very soon for now let's get you into some clothes yeah?"

"Clothes?" I cock my head, it must be the fur his human form wears.

He gets up and picks the cubs and mines food holders up and places them in what he calls a sink, which looks like a tiny bath. I wonder if you bathe in it as well? We head back up to the room with the bed and I'm trying to walk further distances in my human form, so it takes a little longer than necessary. Thatcher had to catch me a few times, but he kept reassuring me that I was doing well and to keep going.

We finally reach the room and I am panting who knew two legs were so much harder than four? I sit on the plush bed and the cubs immediately jump up and start attacking each other playfully in the confines of the blanket.

"Okay let's see, not a lot of my clothes are going to fit you because of our size difference but we can try huh?" he smiles at me and my heart melts I nod my head not really listening. Looking at him smile and talk to me is so magical and I can't believe we are meant to be together I'm so lucky to have found him I guess things do happen for a reason.

Thatcher comes over to me carrying a dark thing he called a shirt and tells me to put my arms up which I comply, he sticks the shirt on me, it reaches to my mid-thigh. I love it because it smells just like him with is the scent of rain and grass.

I smile up at him liking the smell and that the pack will know we are mates just by smelling me and that causes my hyena to run around in circles in my mind happily, it likes the dominant nature of the action.

Thatcher quickly leans down and kisses my forehead and I do everything but scream. I wiggle in my seat and show him my forehead again.

"Again." I say which makes laughter erupt from him and I love that sound so much.

"You're adorable little one ha-ha. Ill kiss you whenever you want." He kisses my head again before backing up and bringing over a chair and sitting down.

"On a different note, I think it's time we talk about the cubs and what on earth led you to this point so early in life okay?"

I gulp but nod I guess its time to tell him what has happened and hopefully we can still be mates.

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