Chapter 13

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Waking up the next morning was a pleasurable experience, I woke up not only in the arms of my beautiful mate but sometime during the night the cubs had migrated down and placed themselves around us. It was a family moment and my heart melted at the sight of the cuddle pile we had created, I was afraid to move and disrupt the peace of the moment. The sun shining down into the room creating a cool warmth gave an almost mystical feeling on the moment.

The peace was interrupted not long later by Zar waking up and demanding food, the little terror was constantly hungry and loved the easy access to food that we had here. I collected him into my arms and began to play wrestle with him, soon I was play wrestling with all three of my children and my mate had joined in, in the end we were in a dog pile and my mate was on the bottom with Aria on the top queen of the castle.

After laughing and disembarking form the dog pile we made our way down to the kitchen to begin cooking. The walk down to the kitchen was filled with easy conversation and laughter. The kids ran ahead and immediately made their way to the kids end of the table where the cooks had already placed a large pile of pancakes and bacon. My kids had deserted me for some pancakes and bacon, I really felt the love.

Thatcher and I went into the kitchen area and began to grab ourselves some bacon and egg along with some bread, I was very fond of bread never having it before coming to live here. It was so soft and squishy I loved eating it so much. We sat at the adult end of the table and began to dig in, because of his alpha status he sat at the very top of the table so he could look at all his pack mates, I sat on his right. Halfway through the meal the chair next to me was pulled out and I plate of food was placed next to my own, I looked up and Tallulah and Belle were smiling at me as they sat down. I was incredibly happy to see my new friends and immediately jumped into conversation with them.

"Morning guys!" I said through a mouthful of bread.

They laughed but both greeted me with large smiles. They were eating a larger meatier meal than I was due to their warrior status, the burned through their calories much faster doing their fighting practise and patrols. I envied them for being able to go for so many runs, but I guess technically nothing was stopping me from running the pack territory whenever I wanted too.

"Casius? Belle and I are running into town today and were wondering if you wanted to join us? You can bring the kids if you like? We have a car that can fit all of us." Tallulah offered.

I cocked my head confused as to what a car was but was excited at the idea of leaving the pack lands for once, I hadn't seen passed the tree line since I first got here. I looked to my mate to see his opinion on the request, I wouldn't want to go against what he thinks is best.

Thatcher seems to think about it for a few seconds before suggesting I go but the kids stay here with him due to Atticus's condition and it being a shifter and human town. I don't know if I want t be away from the kids right now, but I do want to go out with my new friends. I was still confused as to what exactly a town is and what we would be doing there? I know we didn't have one back on the plains.

"Can I see if Jace wants to come?" I ask the two girls who nod happily and reckon it's a great idea.

Finishing up breakfast we decide we will meet back down here in around an hour giving me plenty of time to scout out Jace and tell the kids ill be going out. We walk back to the alpha suite after gathering the kids.

"Alpha?" I question attempting to get his attention, "What is a town and a car?"

Thatcher laughed softly and patted me on my head, "Town is a large gathering of people, humans and shifters and other magical creatures alike, but the humans don't know about us, well most don't some do if they are mated to a shifter or if they are a political official, so you have to keep your shifter side quiet. And a car is a large metal vehicle that gets you from one place to another quicker than we can walk."

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