[Chapter 7]

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I'm sorry for the very long wait everyone. I've not been motivated to write but I plan on finishing this book whether I want to or not. Since it's been so long since my last update I recommend rereading chapters 1-6 to refresh your memory.

Okay, maybe meeting Sabina Campbell so soon wasn't a part of your plan. You had a feeling that you would meet her sooner or later since you now already met three of the characters, but really? Just a few days after you arrived here? You didn't know if your mind could handle much more.

You tried to keep your composure as she rambled on about how she had to travel to this kingdom, Laidora, so she could find a job to take care of her younger brothers. Of course you already knew about everything that she was telling you but you weren't sure if you could let her know that.

The female lead, Sabina Campbell, lived a life where all she knew of was poverty and suffering. She was the eldest daughter who was born into a poor family. A few slices of an apple was considered a feast to the Campbell's. When she was just fifteen, her parents both died from extreme fatigue which left her to look after her two younger brothers alone.

In the novel, she traveled to Laidora just after she turned 18 so you guessed that time was now since she was sitting across from you in that very kingdom.

Soon after she came to Laidora, she applied to be a maid at the castle and then she met all of the male leads at a ball the king held. Gradually, they all fell in love with her and fought for her attention.

This could be your chance! Sabina seemed like a sweet girl so you didn't have a doubt in your mind that she wouldn't help you apply as a maid as well.

"-so yeah! Now I just hope the castle will admit me in. Hey, are you listening?" Her voice which was laced with honey brought you back to reality.

"A-Ah yes. Say, Sabina.. Would you mind helping me apply to be a maid as well? If not it's fine but I'm in need of some cash right now haha.."

Sabina gasped and shook her head frantically. "No, no! I don't mind at all. I'll help you! The staff of the castle usually release maid or butler applications around this time of the year and that's how I applied. You can get an application from one of the guards from the palace; they usually walk around the town handing them out."

You thanked her for the information and internally began cheering. This once in a lifetime opportunity was in the very palm of your hand, your favorite characters were in arms reach!

You departed from Sabina after telling her you looked forward to seeing her again. The hot sun shone down on the kingdom of Laidora, making it hardly bearable for you to stroll around in hopes of finding a maid application.

Thinking that there would be more people handing out applications closer to the castle, you ventured nearer to the extravagant home of the royal Milton family.

No matter how many times you had seen it in the distance, you would never get used to the sight of the castle. Especially as you got closer to it you realized just how big it was, overkill even.

Putting your gawking aside, you strode over to a man who looked to be about in his thirties. You took notice of the papers in his hands and hoped that they were what you're looking for. "Hello, may I ask if those are maid applications?"

The man peered down at you and nodded, handing you a paper. "Yes. The instructions are on the paper."

Wow. Straight to the point. You shrugged and supposed you would have to get used to the nonchalant behavior because that's how the novel described all of the Milton's servants behavior. You walked to a place where you could sit down and read the maid application, and you happened to know just the place.

"(Y/n)! I've been waiting for you to come."

The warm smile of Silas always seemed to wash away your worries instantly.

You explained to him how you wanted to work at the royal castle and how you just needed a place to sit at his bakery and a pen. While you explained the situation to him, he seemed almost unhappy.

What.. Why would she ever want to work for those snobby, ungrateful, cold royals. If she gets a job there she'll spend less time with me... I mean! I thought we've grown closer over the past few days. She surely knows I would give her a job here at my bakery, right? It's obvious! I could give her anything and she wants to go work for that undeserving royal family who knows nothing of her kindness.

"Helloooo, earth to Silas!" You waved a hand in front of his face and he snapped out of it. You wondered what he could have been thinking so deeply about.

"(Y/n)... It must be so hard for you, living with hardly any money and feeling trapped to the point where you feel that your last resort is working at the royal castle. But that's not true! You can come work here with me. We can see each other every day and I'll treat you good. I've heard about how the Milton's treat their workers and let me tell you it's not kindly. Please rethink this."

You were surprised at the little tangent that the seemingly calm blonde went on. You understood where he was coming from though. He was just worried for his friend and was assuming the worst would happen to her at the castle. "Silas, trust me okay? I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me! I'm tougher than I look. Now can I please have a pen and a place to sit?"

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