Chapter 3

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A/N: So very very sorry for not posting a chapter these past few weeks. I will try to be a bit more consistent in my posting.

"When Optimus said it might be a while, he wasn't joking," I chuckled. I shivered in my light sweater. The little heat that Grimlock emitted wasn't much, but it helped fend off the cold night air.

Grimlock looked down to me, an amused look on his face. "They'll be here soon."

"I never said that I doubted them."

"I know."

The two of us fell into a silence, looking towards the cloudy night sky.

"Every time I look at the stars, I think of him," I said, sighing. Grimlock looked at me again. "It's hard not to. It was our thing. Every night when it was clear, we would lay on the roof of the base and just stare at the stars for hours. We would tell each other stories; it was mainly him telling me about his time on earth before I got pulled into this life. We didn't talk about the sour pieces of our past, only the good. Talking to him, it was probably the only time when I actually forgot about the war and everything that had happened; I actually got to believe that all the bad in my life had never happened.

"I know it sounds silly, but I still feel like he's out there, watching over me or something. It feels almost like he's on a mission. I wouldn't be surprised if he drove up, that grin he always had on his face." I let out another sigh, wishing that I could see the colourful lights in the sky. "What do you think about when you look at the stars?" I asked, tilting my head back into Grimlock's chest to better look at his face.

He looked up, thinking about his answer.

"A lot of things," He finally said. "About the other dinobots we have yet to find, what the next step is in this war, how I can protect my own, but mainly the day you saved us."

"You think about that a lot?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Almost everyday," Grimlock said, smiling as he looked down at me. "Not only did you save my family, but you also showed me how kind someone can be to an alien that they don't even know. We could have been a threat to you, but you still saved us. You let me know that there were still souls out there left to save. All I had ever known was the Decepticon's cruelness; you were the first light I had seen in a long, long time."

"You know, my amulet never hummed when I approached you, so I knew you wouldn't hurt me," I smirked.

Grimlock raised an eyebrow. "Really? Because you ducked behind that wall pretty fast when you first saw us. I was pretty sure we had scared you." Amusement was thick in his voice.

"What did you expect? I was new to this war, and I was scared. The cons had me for Pete's sake."

"Who's Pete?" Grimlock asked, instantly thrown off.

"It's an idiom," I chuckled. "An expression not meant to be taken literally."

"Ah." Grimlock nodded his head.

"You don't talk about your past that much," I pointed out.

"That's because it was much like your. I was without freedom, and I never knew the outside. I never saw Cybertron, but I knew of the war. None of my memories are good from that time. It wasn't until just before I was sent to Earth that I formally met Slug, Scorn and Swoop. I had known of them and that I was to be their leader, but I had never met them in person, as you humans say. We slowly bonded during our many training sessions, and our defiance grew. When we were all sent to Earth, that was when we became completely defiant."

"Did you know of Slash, Slog and the other?"

"No," Grimlock said. "None of us did, but I think we all suspected that there were more, whether they already were alive or yet to be."

"I guess dark pasts are what the cons specialize in making," I sighed.

"That they do. One way to look at them though, is that we wouldn't be who we are without them."

"Sadly, it's true."

We both fell silent and continued to watch our surroundings.

The cloudy sky was slightly annoying. There was no moon to light up the world and the stars were all hidden.

"Except for that one," I noted. "Wait a minute...." I tilted my head, watching as the 'star' travelled unnaturally fast across the sky, its light penetrating the clouds. There was no way it was a satellite, let alone a star.

"Grimlock," I said, getting the leader's attention. His eyes followed my finger to what I was pointing at. "Is that us?" I asked.

"Possibly," he said as he rose to his feet, holding me close. To be on the safe side, Grimlock pulled his mace from his back. It extended as he held it out in front of us as the object descended.

I stood up on his hand, in my own ready position, ready to summon an orb of energon at a moment's notice.

Slowly, the object descended, and as it grew closer, I felt Grimlock relax. "It's us."

I breathed a sigh of relief as I too relaxed.

The cybertronian ship made a steady landing, sitting in the opening in front of Grimlock and I. My hair flew backwards at the wind, but still I watched as part of the ship's floor moved downwards, two bots atop it.

Optimus Prime and Wheeljack stepped out of the ship, and I grinned as I saw them.

Wheeljack grinned back. "You called?"

Transformers Prime: Shrouded Truth (#4) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now