Chapter 26

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I stood at the window of the warship, ordered to watch as the Decepticon's slowly approached my base. The Predacons, Insecticons, and Vehicons had been sent ahead, as a 'welcoming party'. I hated it, hated how this had happened. I prayed that they wouldn't find it, but I knew that they would, I would have to tell them even if they didn't.

Solus stood by my side, her face sorry. Every now and then, she passed me looks of worry, and sympathy. I couldn't even look at her. All I could do was watch our approach.

Through the cover of clouds, our base stood out. No one knew what was coming, they wouldn't know that I had told Megatron where to find them. I only hoped they would notice in time, and that the humans weren't there.

"Ah, there it is," Megatron said, looking down at the base. He smiled. "So, this is where you've been hiding all these years Prime?" Addressing the troops he said, "Start your assault."

At his commanded, the Predacons and Vehicons dove, already firing at the base. Dust was thrown into the air with every hit, and with every hit I crumbled inside. This was my home, my family, I had to do something, I had to stop it.

I raged, trying to move, wanting to do anything I could to stop the assault, but my body didn't listen to me. I was forced to watch as everything I knew slowly was destroyed before me. I could do nothing. I breathed hard, desperately trying to control my rage.

Return fire finally came. Five plums of fire roared into the air, scorching all Vehicons who were unlucky enough. The Dinobots stood on the roof of the base, all in dinosaur mode, Grimlock included. Swoop was not with them, butin the middle of them all stood Optimus Prime himself.

The star saber was in the prime's grasp. He spun around, releasing an arc of power towards the oncoming troops, but more flew up to take the fallens' places. Despite the overwhelming odd, the six of them defended the base, firing at the attackers and slashing those who strayed too close.

Slash and a Predacon scuffled on the roof, snapping at each other and swiping. Scorn leapt over Slug, grabbing the Predacon and throwing her off of Slash. I watched as the Dinobot I had grown closest to helped his companion up, the two of them returning to the fight instantly.

"Lord Megatron, there are two ships entering the area," A Vehicon said, looking up from his computer. "They are coming straight for us."

"The Jackhammer and the Iron Will." I realized. Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus had finally retrieved their ships from that junkyard. Even with the extra fire power, I knew it wouldn't be enough.

Megatron didn't look concerned. "Shoot them down," he commanded. The Vehicon nodded, and that's what they did. I could hear the shots being fired at them, but relief filled me as I watched them fly past the window, firing upon the base's attackers. Together, Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack forced the enemies back a bit, but only a bit. Soon, the Predacons were on them, Predaking going after Ultra Magnus, and another going after Wheeljack. It didn't buy the Autobots much time, but it gave the ones on the roof enough time to recover from the constant barrage.

"That's the prime?" Solus asked, her optics on Optimus. I couldn't say anything, not with Megatron's here. As subtly as I could, I nodded my head. "I would have approved of that choice."

Optimus froze, his hand going to the side of his head. I could see him nod, then lift his head up slightly to project his voice. The dinobots listened, running with Optimus to the lift. The door opened, allowing all of them to step inside. Slowly they shut, both sides still firing as the Dinobots retreated. Then Optimus' optics locked onto the warship.

They seemed to find me, telling me to do something. I knew it was all in my head, but it was as if Optimus saw me. For a moment I saw clearly, I knew there was a plan. Down below, they were doing something, escaping. His blue optics gave me a little relief, but it was short lived.

A Vehicon looked up from his staton. "One minute until the cannon is fully charged, Lord Megatron."

"No," Solus breathed, her servo's flying to her mouth.

"Thirty seconds."

I could hear the clock ticking. No, it wouldn't be enough time, not for all of them to leave.


Megatron grinned. "Fire."

"NO!" I cried out. I went to lunge forward, but I was rooted in place. I could do nothing. Megatron smiled, knowing what he was putting me through. I didn't care if I showed weakness, not anymore.

A beam of purple shot towards the base. It collided, sending shards of rock into the air. Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus tried to fly towards the warship to stop the attacks, but the resistance was too stiff. They were forced back, but that didn't stop them from trying.


Another beam launched, hitting above where the previous on had hit. A whole wall was gone. It couldn't take another hit. It was going to collapse.


Solus left my side, running towards the computer. I watched as she dove, making contact with the computer. She phased through it, and as she did, the screen when haywire, lines buzzing across it in a random pattern.

"I said 'again'." Megatron snapped. He spun around, his optics landing on the fritzing computer. "What happened?!"

"I don't know," the vehicon said, his voice shaking in fear.


The vehicon stumbled as Megatron shoved him away. With a pointed digit, Megatron went to jam the button down, but he didn't need to.

An explosion rocked the ship, a burst of blue light filling the horizon as the fire engulfed the Autobot's base. My optic's widened.

"No." It was gone. Everything, just gone.

The amulet's control over me vanished, and I collapsed to my knees, optics frozen on the horrific sight. Smoke filled the air as the base was destroyed. The Jackhammer and Iron Will froze in the air, just as shocked as I.

"No." It couldn't be gone. It couldn't end like this. Had they gotten out in time? It all happened too fast, I didn't know.

"Lora, I'm so sorry."

Transformers Prime: Shrouded Truth (#4) [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant