Chapter 16- Two sides

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Kayla's POV

I have fully prepared myself for anything that may happen once I open this front door. There could be total mix reaction so you could never know what to expect.

It's like one thing could be more important then the other. Let me rephrase that, one thing could be more important to the family image then the real problems that get ignored. In my familys case I'm the main problem to their family image. But I'll probably be the only one in this family that can see everyone elses problems. They all just look like saints because my actions make them look like saints.

I pull my key out of my bag opening up the door. As I walk into the house, everyone is sat around the couch except Bobby who probably asleep because of the time. Everyones heads snap to my direction.

Louise stands up first. "Oh thank God your home." She starts moving towards me. Her movements snap everyone out of their trance as they also stand up.

I dropped my bag to the ground taking a step back as Louise made her way to try hug me. Noticing my discomfort, she dropped her arms to her side and stood in her spot.

"Where have you been?" Dad came up by Louise's side. He looked pissed and maybe worried.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Kayla I'm not doing this. Where were you all day?!" Dad voice slightly got higher. Louise placed a hand on Dads arm.

"Ethan. Harvey. Go upstairs." Gavin said to them. My eyes followed Ethan and Harvey as I watched them leave the room and up the stairs.

My attention snapped back to Dad.
"Kayla where were you?! I get a call off your school that you had skipped school but not only did I find out that! I also I found out you had been skipping classes!"

"Lance I think we should sit down." Louise calmly said. Dad took a deep breath and nodded. They started to walk into the kitchen. I watched as they both disappeared into the kitchen.

Gavin stood staring at me. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Well are you going to follow them?" Gavin stated.

"How about you mind your own fucking business." I whisper yelled as I started to walk into the kitchen. Gavin followed in behind me.

Dad sat at the top of the dinning table, Louise by his side. I took one seat down from him. I didn't want to be close at all. Gavin took a seat at one of the barstools. Why was he even here?

"Kayla where have you been all day?" Dad asked a lot more calmly then not less then two minutes ago.

I shrugged. "Just out."

"Kayla do you not see the problem here?" Dad asked again. I won't lie my Dad can be scary, I mean who's isn't. I could feel his stare on me. I just looked right back at him not breaking eye contact.

"Yes. Yes I do actually." I sat up more straighter. I had to be confident. "The problem is this family that I'm the only one that seems to get in trouble all the time. Just because I made one mistake doesn't mean everything I do is a mistake."

Dad sighed and brought his hand up to his forehead rubbing his temples. "Kayla we have had this conv__"

"But you never listen!" I shouted back.

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