Chapter 36- Mapping it out...

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Kayla Pov

Where should I start? Was the question that pondered my mind.

The endless pen tapping against my forehead in hopes it would knock some sense into me.


Yes Kayla, concentrate on the test infront of you. Not of your endless thoughts.

"You have ten more minutes until your test is over."

Shit. I wasn't getting this essay finished. My mind was too busy thinking about last night...

Back To Last Night...

The car ride was silent. My attention was only on the seceniory outside the window. The street lights the only thing lighting up our faces as we drove past them.

I didn't miss my Dad's wondering eyes glancing back to me every so often through the rearview mirror. Catching one of his glance I sent him a small smile.

A part of my heart warmed at his wrinkled eyes from softely smiling back to me. They had cared enough to come looking for me. Even to pick up me up and most surprisingly they haven't yelled.

Finally we pulled up to the driveway. The tires of the car pulling in must of caught the boys attention as the front door opened in an instant. There at the door stood Ethan.

My hand reached for the door handle only to find it locked. Louise and Dad hadn't made a move to get out.

"Kayla. When we get inside I think we need to talk. So all I ask is for you not to head straight to your room." Dad had turned in his seat to face me.

Nodding my head in agreement. Dad unlocked the doors letting us out.

I walked straight past Ethan only for him to grab my wrist. Stopping me in my tracks. Turning to face him. I glanced to his hand back to his face. Ethan understood what I was trying to say. He lightly let go of my wrist, dropping his hand back by his side.

We just stared at eachother. Over Ethans shoulder as best as I could see was Dad and Louise getting closer. Not wanting to seem like a fool any longer I turned back around and made my way to the couch.

Dad stood infront of me, while Louise took a seat beside me. Leaving enough space between us.

"Kayla what had you so upset earlier?" Dad questioned. His arms crossed over his chest.

"If I talk are you going to listen and promise not to shout?" I asked, looking between both Dad and Louise. They shared a look to which Louise nodded her head. Encouraging my Dad to agree on my terms.

Dad let out a long sigh, running his hand down his face. He looked tired. "Yes Kayla I will listen. I promised you I would be better."

Nodding my head. I swallowed thick lump of saliva that seemed to grow in my dry mouth.

"So why did you and your brothers fight earlier?" Clearly someone caught Louise up.

"They found out I'm back in contact with Wyatt Merlind and they don't like it." I explained. I rested my back more into the couch feeling my tired body relax as I did.

Behind Dad standing at the kitchen entrance was Ethan. I had full view of his expression. Him being the most readable one out of my brothers I found myself unable to read him.

"Wyatt Merlind? As in the one who you vandalised that building with?" Dads jaw was tensing.

"Yeah him." I nodded my head.

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