Chapter 15- You see me

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Wyatt's POV

One year ago...

"Wyatt what were you thinking?! Do you know what this is going to do to our family?! This goes on your record! I honestly can't believe you right now." Mom wouldn't stop pacing the small room. Dad leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed. They both weren't happy. They were both disappointed.

Mom stopped pacing and came over. She crouched down so she was at my eye level. She took my hands into hers. Unleashed tears were in her eyes.

"When you come back you have to promise me that you will never do anything like that again. I hope you will learn from this I really do." Her voice came out so softly.

"I promise."

That was all it took to pull me into a hug as she cried into my shoulder.

Kayla's POV

Present time...

"How are we even going to get up there?" Gabby asked as she looked at the building entrance which had security.

"There is a back entrance. A fire escape we can climb all the way up the stairs to the roof." I started walking to the small side alley. Gabby followed behind.

"We're climbing stairs! Are you mad this place is a good forty stories high! Isn't this not trespassing?" Gabby whispered yelled tugging at my arm so I would stop and turn around.

"Well yeah? But hear me out it will be all worth it in the end." I smiled.

"Can we not climb up a bit of the stairs and just get an elevator half way up?" Was she serious?

"And risk getting caught?" I've done this before and I've survived. Well mostly...

"I mean yeah." Gabby rubbed her arm. I sighed. If this was the only way I was going to get her to come it's worth a shot also who doesn't love an adrenaline rush.

"Fine we will try it but if we get caught I'm deaf and your blind." I winked at her as I walked to the fire exit. Opening it and then sticking in my head to check if it was clear. Seems to be.

I wave at Gabby behind me to follow. We start quietly walking up the steps.

"What is this place?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I think it's either offices, hotel or apartments?"

"Great help." Gabby rolled her eyes.

"Well I did narrow it down for you." I shrugged my shoulders again. Gabby playfully pushed me. "Hey did your mom ever tell you not to play on the stairs?"

Gabby rolled her eyes.


I don't know what story we were on now but for sure we were both out of breath.

"Let's just try take the elevator now." Gabby panted out. I nodded in agreement.

We walked up one more flight of stairs where there was a door. I opened it sticking my head out into the lit up hallway. Seems clear.

We slowly walk out into the hall our eyes and ears peeled out for any other movements.

"There is an elevator." Gabby whispered as she pointed to the steel elevator.

My eyes widened when it dinged and it started to open. I looked at Gabby who was frozen in her spot. There was a big plant pot in the hall so I pulled her arm and we crouched down behind it.

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