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Brighid had finished up the girls basketball practice when she saw Peyton and Brooke arguing in the hallway.

"No way" Brooke muttered.

"She's really good Brooke" Peyton argued back.

"Hey" Brighid awkwardly said hoping she was interrupting something important.

"Ahhh, the answer is here. Brighid you're the newest member of the Tree Hill Ravens cheer squad" Brooke squealed jumping up and down.

"Brooke. I'm playing basketball" Brighid said crushing Brooke's plan.

"That stupid bitch Rachel. The new girl thinks she's going to come in here and-"

"Wait did you say the new girl? Uh I saw her talking to Jake today not that I'm with him or anything but like who does she think she is" Brighid rambled.

"Come on Brighid. Just for the first couple games until I came find a replacement. I can not have her on the team!" Brooke sighed.

"It's not going to work" Peyton said leaning on the locker giving Brooke and Brighid a grin of I told you so.

"One game Brooke. That's it" Brighid agreed figuring she could balance the couple of practices.

"Thank you!" Brooke squealed once more.

Brighid said goodbye to the two before walking out of the building.

"I saw you today. Looking. He your boyfriend?" The red head asked jumping off the table.

"Who are you?" Brighid asked in snobby tone.

"Rachel Gatina. Here to steal your man, and your friends too" Rachel said eyeing up Brooke who was walking out with Peyton laughing.

"You mean my brother, and you can have him if you want. Just stay away from Jake" Brighid threatened.

Rachel let out a snobby fake laugh. "Can't make promises I won't keep"

Brighid stomped towards her car fuming.
A week later Brighid walked out of her car and up to the gym in her cheerleading uniform.

"Dan Scott for Mayor" her dad announced as he passed out pins. Brighid was hoping to avoid him tonight at least until she was on the court and there was nothing he could do about it.

She hung her head low and quickly walked by him.

"Not so fast. Is that my daughter in a cheerleading uniform?" Dan asked grabbing her arm.

"Just filling in for the night. Back to basketball tomorrow" Brighid mumbled. Dan looked around to see people all over. He knew not to make a spectacle right here, right now.

"You better" he whispered letting her go. "Dan Scott for Mayor" he resumed. Brighid let out a breath and rushed to the locker room.

"I'm here" Brighid announced.

"Finally someone showed up!" Brooke shouted relieved.

"Where is everyone?" Brighid asked dropping her bag on the bench.

"We go on in 10 minutes. Where is everyone?" Brooke asked all freaked out. She was pacing up and down the aisle of the locker room.

"Brooke, chill. They will be here" Peyton said all calm. Just as Peyton finished her sentence the door opened and the rest of the team walked in with lattes in hand.

"Where have you been. You all almost missed the routine" Brooke said all serious.

"Sorry Brooke. I treated the team to a little preshow beverage. Sorry I didn't get you one" Rachel said looking at Brighid.

"Thanks Rachel but we have the last member on the team. You're no longer needed" Brooke announced.

"You're not serious" Rachel said all mad.

"Totally. Check the pompoms on the way out" Brooke snapped.

"Fine if that's what everyone wants" Rachel said looking behind her at the other team members.

"Brooke. Brighid's on the basketball team. Plus Rachel is really good" Bevin commented getting a chorus of agreement from the others.

"It's settled. I'll be up front and Brighid can take my spot" Rachel announced. The girls followed her out of the locker room.

"What the hell just happened?" Brooke asked pissed off. The three followed the rest out to see Rachel kissing Jake in the hallway. Brighid was now full on angry, ready to pull her hair out and throw a punch or two.

Brooke and Peyton pulled Brighid towards the gym where they waited for their cue to dance.

"Let Midnight Madness begin!" Dan announced the cheerleaders ran onto the court and the music began to play almost instantly. Brighid next to Rachel in the line kept one eye on her and one eye on the audience.

As Brighid was dancing she felt good, remembering how much fun and enjoyment she got out of it last year.

As the formations changed Brighid was cut off by Rachel, blocking both Brooke and herself.

Rachel performed her own mad up solo and finished in a split.

"What's your problem?" Brooke asked.

"Nothing. At least I don't have a problem with you" Rachel said looking at Brighid.

"You want to fight?" Brighid asked pushing Rachel. Rachel pushed back causing Brighid to collide with Brooke.

"Oh it's on. You don't push my best friend you bitch" Brooke said. She slapped Rachel which caused her to throw a punch. Brighid and Peyton pushed Rachel to the ground. As the cheerleaders started to fight the basketball team came out swinging their own punches at each other.

Dan came ripping Brighid up off the floor.

"Act lady like. Scouts are here" Dan whispered. He threw her forwards before grabbing Nathan. The fights were broken up, ending midnight madness before it even began.

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