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"Good news" Dan announced as he walked into the kitchen digging through the fridge for a drink.

"And that is?" Brighid asked as she ate her breakfast.

"Lucas is moving in" Dan continued he smiled while cracking open the drink. "You're mom is gone for a few days so I figured you'd be helping him move in"

"What's in it for you?" Brighid asked knowing this totally was her dad's plan and not Lucas'.

"Nothing. Just want to get to know my son better" Dan said making a clear dig at Nathan no longer being his son.

Brighid rolled her eyes and threw out the rest of her breakfast before leaving for school. She walked into the hallway of the high school looking for Lucas.

"So I'm running for president. Gonna help me? Smarty pants" Brooke asked wrapping her arm around Brighid.

"Wow never pegged you as the school government type" Brighid said as they continued to walk down the hall.

"New change. So you in?" Brooke asked stopping at the corner. Her hands were squeezed together pleading for Brighid to say yes.

"I'm in"

"Great" Brooke exclaimed running off towards Felix. Brighid was slightly weirded out with the two being together and all but knew to mind her own business. Plus with her and Jake on good terms it would be foolish to ruffle feathers bringing up their shortly lived deal.

Brig quickly began looking for Lucas again.

"Nate" Brighid called out as he walked past her in the hall.

"Have you seen Haley?" Nathan asked, huffing in annoyance.

"No and we have bigger issues to worry about then finding Haley" Brighid sassed.

"No not really, Brig. Haley's been dming Chris and apparently they kissed and stuff. I need to find her" Nathan said all mad.

"Lucas is moving in with, he's going to be living with me" Brighid spat as Nathan began to walk away. He turned around looking at Brighid before heading off down the hall. Brighid swung her arms out mad no one was able to give her a second of their time.
The next morning Brighid was in the kitchen sipping some coffee when Lucas came downstairs.

"You know, if bogans keeps draining threes the cats' will be tough to beat" Dan said closing the newspaper. Brighid rolled her eyes at her father's typical behavior.

"How'd you sleep?" Dan asked acting all concerned.

"Fine" Lucas muttered. He looked quite tired to Brighid and seemed to get the opposite of a great night's sleep.

"Great. Grab a plate" Dan said pointing to the food he had cooked for breakfast. Brighid scooped some eggs into her mouth watching these two awkwardly interact.

"I usually grab something on the way to school" Lucas said trying to leave.

"Come on. Let's eat like a family" Dan responded patting the seat next to Brighid.

The door to the kitchen opened and Deb walked inside.

"I'm home" she announced.

"We are in here" Dan called back.

"Morning mom" Brighid greeted as she walked into the kitchen.

"Lucas. Where's Nathan?" Deb asked all shocked.

"Nathan isn't here Deb. Lucas will be staying with us for a while" Dan explained. Brighid looked at her father with a crazed look. She couldn't believe her mom didn't know about this.

"Why don't you drive Lucas, your brother to school Brig" Dan said. Brighid got off the chair she had been sitting and grabbed her bag and car keys. She gave her mother a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out the door with Lucas.

"So how you enjoying Casa Scott?" Brighid asked as she drove down the road.

"Is it always like this?" Lucas asked.

"Tension and turmoil? Yes. Dan being loving and fake. No" she responded getting a laugh out of him. "What's my dad got on you anyways? I could help you know" Brighid asked. Lucas chuckled once more.

"He has nothing. Just moving in to get to know him" Lucas answered.

"Well be careful. He's dangerous with his fake niceness and fake loving attitude. Playing loving father gets old fast for him. He'll be the Dan Scott we all have come to hate soon enough" Brighid said as she pulled into the parking spot at school.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat