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Brighid and Jake walked into the celebratory party that was being thrown for the Raven's winning the game tonight.

"This is some party" Brighid said looking around as the two walked in holding hands. Rachel's house wasn't the most ideal place Brighid wanted to be.

"We won the first game of playoffs. It's time to celebrate" Jake said all happy. Brighid could tell he was on a happy high from winning.  Plus he had played a great game, one of his best to date.

"Want a drink?" Jake asked holding out a cup of beer.

"No I'm okay. I have a early morning at the cafe. Told Karen I would help out since my mom went rogue" Brighid lied. Jake only grabbed one cup slowly sipping on the alcohol.

The two made their way around the party until Brighid had lost Jake to a few of the basketball players. She stood awkwardly in the kitchen nursing her water bottle.

"Water, B. Scott I have never seen you drink water at a party" Peyton said with a smile. "Derek, Brighid, Brighid this is my brother Derek"

"Nice to meet you. Honestly I'm just not feeling it lately. Maybe I've matured" Brighid joked back popping her lips together. Peyton laughed.

"Yeah matured. Where's Jake?"

"Oh somewhere around here. He's actually living life tonight. Being the normal teenager I have deprived him of" Brighid said. Peyton gave Brighid a weird look.

"Look I need the bathroom can you keep him company for a minute?" Peyton asked. Brighid shook her head taking a swig of water.

"So you're one of Peyton's best friend. Can I snap a photo?" Derek asked holding up his camera. Brighid looked at him funny. "I do photography as a hobby"

Brighid not caring smiled at the camera and posed until the flash went off. "I better warn you. You better not leave Peyton one day. She's had enough of heart breaks and goodbyes from those she cares for. She won't be able to handle another one. Especially from someone like you"

"I promise I won't. She's my sister after all" Derek said with a smile as Peyton came back. Peyton and Derek continued on meeting people while Brighid headed outside to sit on the porch swing by herself.

"You okay?" Mouth asked sitting next to her. He was clearly drunk off his ass.

"I'm fine. What about you?" Brighid asked laughing.

"I'm good. I'm dandy. I'm fine. I'm always the friend never anything more"

"Well friend. Want to be in on a secret?" Brighid asked figuring Mouth wouldn't remember this conversation come tomorrow morning.

"Secrets. That's more than a friends thing" Mouth slurred.

"I'm pregnant" Brighid whispered. "But don't tell anyone"

"I won't" Mouth said before getting up and walking closer to the pool. Brighid swung on the chair by herself until Nathan sat down.

"Tomorrow morning. We are giving mom an intervention at the house"

"I'm back at home for the time being. I'll be there" Brighid said.

"You know if Jagielski played like that all throughout high school he'd be giving me a run for my money" Nathan said before getting up. Brighid looked out to the pool to see Jake hanging with Skills and the other basketball players. She was becoming increasingly guilty feeling by the minute. No Jenny, no getting pregnant could have been Jake's chance to play in college, make it far.

He looked over to Brighid giving her a big smile and a wave before continuing the banter with the guys.
The next morning Brighid sat anxiously in the family room next to Nathan and the intervention counselor they had hired.

"Who the hell are you?" Deb asked walking in with messy bed head and her morning robe still on.

"This is an intervention" the woman said. Deb scoffed at the sound of intervention.

"You have a problem, Deb and we want you to go back to rehab" Karen spoke out.

"Yeah Deb. We are only here cause we care" Dan said stepping out from hiding.

"You invited Dan to my intervention?" Deb said unamused.

"Everyone important in your life must be here. United against your add" the woman said. Nathan and Haley's head hung low while Brighid looked at her mother with sad eyes.

"So you got five people including my sociopath ex-husband. Oh yeah. I have a problem alright" Deb chuckled as she walked in and went to grab her pills.

"Mom. We searched the house and um found your pills" Nathan said. Brighid held up her bag full of bottles of pills.

"It's over mom" Brighid softly said.

"No Brighid. My life was over they say you got pregnant and Nathan left me to marry here"

"It's not their fault" Karen said coming to the children's rescue.

"Shut up Karen. This was all part of your big plan. You've never forgiven me for sleeping with Keith" Deb said sinisterly.

"No it's me who hasn't forgiven you. The guy you tried to light on fire?" Dan spoke out. Haley baffled by the news was trying to motion to Nathan to tell her about it.

"Okay. Okay listen. The first step is to admit you have a problem"

"Oh shove it up your ass. I know I'm an addict"

"Then get help mom" Brighid spoke out. She was tired of being here, seeing her mom this way. She wanted it to end.

"Spend a week with these people. You will be too" Deb said to the intervention lady, ignoring Brighid before walking out of the room. Brighid sighed grabbing her car keys and heading to school.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now