Chapter 11: Training

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"Get your ass up, Katsuki!" I yelled.

He had been begging me to spend more time training him.

I was glad we broke through some of his walls, but damn this kid was intense.

"I won't tell you again!" I screamed, starting to gather a stream of fire around my arm.

"AHH SHUT IT YOU WASHED UP OLD HAG!!!!" He fumed as he finally got up and started blasting towards me.

He's also been yelling at me everyday to not hold back... Of course, I would never go full force on a kid, but I've definitely had to step it up.

His incessant yelling has really worn me down.

"Who're you calling washed up!?" I yelled back as began to jump and spin over him, blasting him with fire as I moved through the air.

It looked like some of my attack got through his defenses.

"Hmph, maybe you should focus on your skills rather than your comebacks." I retorted with my arms crossed, grinning.

"AHHHHHH!!!!" He shouted while charging me again.

"That's enough for today, Katsuki." I commanded as I started to walk off the mat.

He stopped abruptly. I made sure he knew that if we were going to do this, he would listen to everything I said.

"No fair! I was just about to beat your ass."

I smirked, "Maybe next time." And shot him a look.

"Go shower up and meet your classmates in the library. The study group isn't over for another couple hours."

I heard him mumble profanities to himself as he grabbed his duffle bag and walked out of the gym.

"You're too relaxed around him." I heard a voice mutter.

I turned to see Shota. "Mm, I'm relaxed around all of them." I said, shrugging my shoulders while wiping my face off with a towel.

It took a couple weeks, but Katsuki's finally giving me a decent workout.

"You're their teacher. They should be respecting you."

"He does respect me!" I got a little defensive.

"Washed up old hag?" Shota commented while giving me a look.

I couldn't help but laugh. "If you think that's bad, you should hear some of the other nicknames he's given me." I gave him a wink.

"I'd rather not. That kid already gives me enough headaches." He mumbled.

"I wonder what nickname he would give you?" I smirked.


I started laughing. I was going to keep teasing him, but I know how serious Shota stays at work.

Don't get me wrong, he's always a little monotone and apathetic, but he really took it up a notch around the students.

I started walking towards him, and put my arms around his neck. I felt him tense up just a little bit.

PDA at school was another thing he didn't condone... usually.

"It's ok, there's no one around." I whispered in his ear.

He put his arms around my waist as I slowly started laying kisses on his neck.

I knew you'd love this, Shota... I grinned to myself.

No one knew about us dating other than Nezu and Present Mic. I think All Might had started to figure it out, but I wasn't sure.

For the sake of our students, we decided it was best to keep a low profile.

I stopped kissing him and moved my lips back towards his ear.. "I'm all hot and sweaty, Shota."

I looked at him, and his eyes were closed, savoring the sound of my voice.

"I better go shower... want to join?" I smirked while tugging on his hair lightly and kissing his neck again.

This time, I ran my tongue up to his ear and gave it a little bite.

"Why do you torture me like this?" he groaned. I felt him getting a little hard.

I released my grip and put some space between us. He opened his eyes.

"Just like teasing you a bit I guess." I gave him a wink and let go completely, walking over to get my duffle bag.

He came up from behind and picked me up playfully, spinning me around. "Shota!" I called while laughing. "Put me down!"

I loved that he only showed this playful side to me. He let me down and picked up my bag for me, walking with me towards the gym exit.

"Want to have dinner tonight?" He asked. "I have a ton of work to do, but we could order in."

"Yea, I'd love to! I've got a bunch of work piling up too." I said, already feeling anxious about how much there was to do.

"Good. Just no distractions." he scoffed towards me.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to be all showered up before I get there." I giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking out.

"See you later!" I called.


It's been an amazing few weeks with Shota. I didn't know I could feel this whole.

We spent as much time as we could together, which honestly, wasn't much.

I had been working with almost 100 students at UA. It was beginning to feel overwhelming.

There were so many students with an outrageous amount to potential. And I simply didn't have the time to train all of them one on one.

Still, I was diligent. I Worked with homeroom teachers to plan out every class' training time so I could be there without any scheduling conflicts.

During school, I was completely engaged with whichever class I was helping. Even training students in their free periods.

Before and after school, I had one-on-one training sessions with students who asked to work with me.

I learned quickly that I wouldn't be able to offer it to everyone, so I waited for students to come to me.

I worked a lot with 1A, but other students had grabbed my interest too.

1B was just as talented and had students with metal and earth quirks sort of similar to mine. At least close enough for training purposes.

There was Hatsume from the Support course who wanted to work with me, mostly just to try out her new inventions.

Plus, she always made me laugh, which I desperately needed.

Shinso from the general course quickly caught my attention, and I trained with him too.

Present Mic always teased that it was because he reminded me of Shota, which might have been kind of true... but honestly, the kid was just gifted.

On the bright side, training so frequently had been really helpful. My endurance and stamina had skyrocketed over the last month.

But I was still exhausted, and almost at my breaking point... Heroes can't show weakness.

At least I would finally get a break. The students are doing training at the USJ tomorrow, and Nezu said I could spend that time catching up on paperwork in the faculty lounge.

So many students, so little time... I sighed to myself as I walked home.

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