Chapter 36: The Truth

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I woke up in a dark and damp room, alone.

My arms were cuffed behind my back and chained to a wall. I saw another pair of cuffs around my legs and a large belt around my waist.

Shit. They're all quirk-cancelling devices... With three of them on, I definitely won't be able to do much of anything.

My mouth was taped shut, so when I screamed all that came out were soft muffles. I began to thrash my body, kicking the wooden walls and causing them to shake.

The noise of throwing myself around the corner of the room would definitely be loud enough to get someone's attention.

"Oh good, you're awake," Dabi said lazily as he entered to the room. He was holding a glass of water which he placed on the window seal before approaching me.

"You put on quite a show. Shigaraki was ready to kill you the moment you passed out, but I finally convinced him otherwise."

I couldn't talk or move, so I just stared him down, letting the hate ooze from my eyes.

"Geez, a little appreciation for saving your life would be nice."

He laughed, "Then again, you can't really talk now can you? But I think I like you better this way."

This fucker.

I glanced around the room, trying to find some way to attack. I knew I wouldn't be able to do much and that it wouldn't help me at all in the long run, but my rising anger clouded my judgment.

I landed my eyes on his glass cup.


I used every ounce of strength I could muster to knock the glass on the floor, causing it to shatter on impact.

"Aw, what the fuck did you do that for? I brought that for you," he groaned.

I kept my concentration on the broken glass, causing a shard to shakily quiver in the air before launching it towards Dabi.

It cut him right at the bottom of his eye.

"You bitch," he hissed while wiping a small amount of blood from his face. "I'll make you pay for that."

He rose up his hand, ready to hit me, but stopped himself. "Or maybe, I'll make that precious boy of yours pay," he smirked.

I began to thrash around my body in protest.

"Knock it off!" he yelled while smacking me across the face.

Quickly, he ripped the tape off my mouth.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HIM!!!" I yelled immediately.

"You're not really in a position to be making demands here," he laughed. "I'm actually surprised you were able to cut me with that little trick of yours. It must have taken all the energy you had."

I glanced at him quickly. He was right. I couldn't even do it a second time if I wanted to.

He chuckled again softly, "What were you even hoping to accomplish with that?"

"Oh fuck off, Dabi."

"Did it at least make you feel better?"

"Actually, it did," I huffed finally getting my anger under control.

I really wasn't in a position to make demands or do anything else, so I had to at least make sure my actions didn't bring any harm to Katsuki.

"Well, that's good," he looked at me with a small smile. "I do still care about you, you know?"

"If you really cared about me, you'd let Katsuki go."

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