Chapter Eight | Wanna Hold You

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My eyelids fluttered open slowly as my mind registered the annoying sound of continuous camera clicks. Blinking in confusion up at Carly's smug face, I tried to sit up, which failed because my torso was being pinned down by a heavy weight.

Panic flooded my system when I realized that I had been working on my project with Trent and must've fallen asleep. Carly was still standing at the foot of my bed, grinning. I looked down and saw that Trent's arm was wrapped around my stomach, still preventing me from moving.

Whipping my head around, my face was no more than 4 inches from Trent's, who was fast asleep. He looked so innocent in his sleep that I almost didn't want to wake him. But I had to because I didn't want to give Carly any crazy ideas.

I grabbed his shoulder and shook it, "Hey, wake up."

Without opening his eyes, he furrowed his brows and tightened his hold around me, burrowing his head into my mattress. "Mom, five more minutes," he grumbled.

I heard more clicking noises and looked back at Carly, who was aiming her IPhone at us, taking pictures.

My jaw dropped. I shook Trent's shoulder again and shouted desperately, "It's Audrey, get the hell off me!"

His eyes flew open and he bolted up. Finally able to move freely, I shot up and stood next to Carly. Trent stared at me, disoriented. He raised his arms above his head in a long stretch. I tried not to gape when that caused the bottom of his shirt to ride up, displaying a hint of the abs that lied beneath.

"What's going on?" He asked while yawning.

Carly nudged my shoulder, "Yeah Audrey, what is going on?"

I glared at her while she smiled at me knowingly, and tried to fight off the blush filling my cheeks. "Nothing is 'going on', we just fell asleep. We were doing a project for government."

"Huh," she said, sounding unconvinced.

"I'm serious!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in frustration.

Trent looked uncomfortable with our banter, and still half asleep. He ran a hand through his bed-ridden hair and stood up, "Well I guess I'll get going."

I almost laughed at how pointless this afternoon was; we had made basically no progress at all with our project and instead took a two hour long nap. My digital clock read 5:02 PM. I vaguely wondered where my mom and brother were. My dad was already on a plane for a business trip, but they should be home.

"Bye," I muttered.

He walked past us out my bedroom door. As he passed, his arm slowly brushed across my shoulder, making me shiver a little. I wondered if it was intentional or not.

I stood still as I heard his steps retreating down the stairs and the slam of the front door. Peeking out my window, I waited until his Jeep was driving away before spinning around and facing Carly.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked, fixing her a fierce glare.

"Whatever are you talking about?" She asked innocently, sitting down in my desk chair and spinning around in it.

"Did you seriously take pictures of us?"

She smiled devilishly and help up her phone, "Sure did. Wanna see them?"

She apparently took my glare as a yes and held her phone out for me to see. I squinted to see the screen and grimaced when I did. The pictures looked even worse than I feared. Trent was wrapped around me and I was practically laying on top of him; anyone who saw these would definitely get the wrong idea. In the next one I even had a stupid grin on my face as we slept!

I snatched my hand out to steal Carly's phone but she pulled away even quicker. She darted out of the chair and rushed to stand on the other side of my bed, holding her phone behind her back.

She giggled, "I wonder what Lauren's gonna say when I send her these."

My eyes widened, "Carly, you wouldn't..."

She smirked, "Oh but I would."

I narrowed my eyes. Standing there, deciding what I should do, I felt like a cat preparing to pounce on its prey. She started to look nervous and that's when I struck. Launching myself across the bed, I grabbed Carly's arm and yanked her down. She let out a shriek and laughed, struggling to get her phone out of my reach.

I wrapped my hand around her phone and tried to grab it from her, which she prevented by tackling me. I rolled around so I was the one pinning her down, and snatched the phone. As quickly as I could, I went to the photo gallery and deleted all of the 20 pictures she took of us.

I deleted the very last one and smiled down at Carly victoriously, "Hah! They're all deleted, what'cha gonna do now?"

Carly sat up and gave me a grin of her own, "Too bad I already sent them to Lauren and Lily."

My smile slowly slipped off my face, "No way."

"Yes way."

I fumbled with her phone and checked her messages, my heart stopping when I saw she was telling the truth. I let out a loud, despairing groan, and my mother walked through the doorway right at that moment, with my little brother right next to her.

My mom looked amused, "What on earth are you two doing?"

Max, my seven year old brother, giggled. "Mommy. They're doing lesbian stuff!"

Both Carly and I gasped in shock, and my mom's eyes nearly bugged out of her head.

"Max!" She said.

I guess it did kind of look like that, with me sitting on Carly and what-not. It was more shocking that Max knew what that even means; he's in first grade!

"No Maxy, we were wrestling!"

"Like on the TV show?" he asked, his blue eyes widened with curiosity.

My mom frowned, probably because he wasn't supposed to be watching wrestling and fighting.

I got off of Carly, tossing her phone next to her.

"Yes, like on TV," I said as I stalked towards him, "And I'm gonna tackle you just like Carly if you don't get out of here!"

He let out a childish shriek and ran from the room, giggling. My mom shook her head in bemusement and followed after him.

As soon as they were gone, Carly started laughing hysterically. "Lesbian stuff?!"

I joined her and we both laughed until tears formed in our eyes.

"Oh yeah," She said after a while, "I totally forgot. Before I found you in bed with lover boy, I came to get you. Let's go spend the night at Lauren's."

"Okay," I shrugged, standing up, "But you guys are gonna have to help me get ready for my date tomorrow."

Carly looked surprised, "A date? With who? Someone other than that lost puppy-dog Jace?"

I laughed, "Yes someone else. I'll give you more details when we get to Lauren's. Now let's go!"



This chapter's a bit shorter than usual, but I hope you liked it anyway! There's more to come soon, and feel free to vote/comment if you liked it.

*Virtually hugs you all*

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