Chapter Twenty-Three | Let It Loose

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"Oh my god," I said with a breathless gasp, shoving Trent away and breaking our rather heated kiss.

"What now?" He asked with a groan, inhaling a ragged breath.

"It's your birthday!" The thought had suddenly come to the front of my mind after we had already been making out for a few minutes.

His face relaxed at my words, obviously relieved I wasn't mad about anything at the moment. "Uh, yeah, it is."

"I can't believe I forgot," I mumbled absentmindedly, biting my lip. "Well, I realized it this morning, but then I forgot. Are you gonna do anything to celebrate?"

He rolled his eyes, attempting to move closer to me, back to where he was moments before. "Are we really talking about this? Right now?"

I laughed, ignoring the way my breath hitched at our proximity. "Yes, we are, and we should probably get back before Lauren sees us or something." I shuddered at all the teasing I would undoubtedly suffer if she or any other of our friends saw us making out, against a tree, for Gods sake.

Trent groaned in defeat when I removed my hand from his shoulder, stepping away from him. "Come on," I said, looking back over my shoulder at him with a grin. "We should probably do some actual skiing now." He sighed and shook his head with a small smile, following me.

I faced forward and kept going, surprised at how well I was handling this. I mean, I just made out with Trent Blake, for the second time! That has to mean something...right?

Pushing away my mental debate and focusing on gliding my skis forward, I breathed a sigh of relief once I reached the base of the mountain, Trent easily coasting right next to me. We both removed our skis and tucked them under our arms as we made our way back to the lift line.

The first of our friends I spotted was Lily, her snow-colored hair unmistakable as she stood with her back to us. As we drew closer, I noticed that Carly, Lauren and Tyler were all huddled a few yards away from the line, facing Lily with their arms all crossed in a similar manner.

I instinctively patted my hair down, hoping to hide all signs of what had just occurred between me and Trent. As we came to a stop in front of our friends I wanted to whisper to Trent to fix his insanely mussed hair, but it was too late.

"What's going on?" I asked nervously, noting the weird silence.

"You'll never believe what we just had to witness, Audrey!" Carly's expression was a mixture of shock and laughter, so I wasn't sure what she would say.

Lily groaned at her words but I nodded, urging her to go on. "Lauren, Tyler, Sean and I were just coming down from one of the slopes when it happened. We were about to get back on the lift when we saw her, and Will!" She pointed an accusatory finger at Lily.

I noted Lily's flushed cheeks; I had an inkling of what had occurred, but I waited for Carly to say it. "They were full-on making out at the bottom of the slope, against a tree!"

My eyes widened in surprise and I started to choke on my spit when Carly spoke again. "I swear, they were so into it, I thought they might've done it then and there if we didn't catch them!"

"Uh..." I trailed off with a small chuckle, struggling not to look at the boy beside me, who seemed to be just as nervous as I was.

"Seriously," Lauren agreed with a laugh, "Who even does something like that?" I ran a hand through my loose waves of hair, biting my lip nervously as I avoided her gaze and focused on the snow at our feet. I was afraid that if I even looked at Lauren, she would somehow know that I had been doing just that with her brother.

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