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"Let's play UNO guys!" Kirshima announced.

Everyone had stopped marveling Bakugou's appearance and turned towards the red head.

"Uno? What's that!" Masumi asked tilting her head.

"I failed as a brother. You don't know what UNO is? I need to f*cking disown you." Bakugou turned away from his sister in shame, while she stood there confused.

"Hey don't worry mini bakugou we'll teach you to play as we go along!" Kirshima assured the blonde.

The few members of class1A  sat in a circle in the lounge as Kirshima distributed the cards evenly.

"Teach me Kiri!" Masumi said sitting on his lap, she was about to show him all her cards to Kirishima when....

"Stop Mi-Chan kiri is the enemy! Team up with me instead." Eri said pulling her of Kirshima and making the girl sit next to her.

"Oh ok Eri-Chan!"

"The rules are simple, each player is dealt seven cards. The remaining cards are placed face-down. These cards are called the draw pile." Kirishima started

"At the beginning of their turn, a player can match either the number or the color of the face-up card with a card in their hand. If the card is matched, play continues to the next player. If not the player picks up a card from the 'draw pile'" Izuku continued.

"Unless you have a Wild card! Where they can choose a different color for the round!" Kaminari finished.

"Oh it seems fun!! But who starts?" Masumi asked.

"We go clockwise  I guess. So you can first Sumi!" Izuku smiled sweetly.

"Ok so it's yellow that meansss....YES LOOK ERI I HAVE A YELLOW CARD!" Masumi yelled out.

"Ok now you put it down." Eri said.

"Oh ok." Masumi smiled and placed her card down happily.

The game went on smoothly until Eri glanced at Masumi's cards.

"Hey Mi-Chan I have an idea...

"Yes I have two cards left!" Kirishima said happily but stopped as he felt intimidating gazes upon him. "Urmm Mini bakugou? why do you look like you might Kill me?" Kirshima gulped.

"Nothing." Masumi smiled innocently as she placed a reverse card down.

"W-What do you think your doing?" Kirshima stuttered.

"Hmm." She hummed as Kirshima put down a card.

They went all around the circle until was Masumi's turn again.

"Now mi-Chan!" Eri said.

2+, 2+, 2+, 2+, 4+ 


"Yatta!" Masumi shouted.

"We did it Eri! Kiri needs to pick up 12 cards now!!!!" She yelled happily getting up.

"And now!" She said placing one last card down.

"Uno." She shouted laughing maniacally, the laugh was a bit to similar to a certain blonde headed boy....

"Yay, way to go Mi-Chan!" Eri clapped for her friend as Kiri cried silently (like a manly man) and picked up his 12 cards.

"Pffffftt!" Bakugou covered his mouth to stifle his laughter.

The game continued on and everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves.  Until Masumi was  bored of just watching and crawled into her brothers lap, he didn't object he just let her snuggle into him whilst he stroked her hair.

Katsuki Bakugou x little sister (OC)Where stories live. Discover now