A Princess

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After Lunch the older bakugou was instructed to drop Masumi off at the teachers office.

"Katsu-nii why can't I come to classes with you!!" Masumi whined.

"You'd just get in the way." Katsuki plainly muttered said holding her hand and stomping through the corridors.

As Katsuki knocked Masumi backed away from him.

"I wanna stay with you and follow you!" Masumi pouted.

Katsuki just shrugged as the door opened and he walked in.

Masumi thought for a while outside the door but then got scared being by herself and walked in after him.

"Thank you Bakugou you can Leave for classes now." Aizawa nodded and Katsuki just grunted ruffled Masumi's hair and left whilst she looked at him with a look of betrayal.

"Follow me." Aizawa said tiredly taking her hand and led her to the U.A dormitories.

"Where are we going?" Masumi questioned.

"I want you to meet someone special, she needs a nice, kind caring person to be her friend.....do you think you are up for the job?" Aizawa stopped at a door and bent down to Masumi's level so they were face to face.

"I can! Pick me!" Masumi said jumping up and down.

Aizawa straightened himself up, "that's what I thought." 

Masumi POV

Mr caterpillar opened the door to reveal a child on a bed with long beautiful blue-ish white hair, she had bright ruby red eyes. SHE WAS SO PRETTY! I think she is a PRINCESS!

"Caterpillar-San IS SHE A PRINCESS!" 

"stop shouting! And no she's just a normal girl." He scolded me.

"Eri why don't you introduce yourself.." Aizawa spoke softly to the Princess girl whose name is probably Eri.

"Urmm," she was really shy she got of her bed and walked up to me, "h-hi my name is E-Eri..I'm urmm seven..." she shakily reached her hand out to me which I looked at for a second before grabbing it and shaking it vigorously.

"Hi my name is Masumi Bakugou! I'm 6 years old! Blood type A! Quirk: Explosions! Favorite food: well I don't really have a FAVORITE FOOD BUT I LIKE SPICY FOOD. WHAT FOOD DO YOU LIKE? WHEN DO YOU EAT YOUR FOOD! DO YOU HAVE A QUIRK TO DO WITH FOOD! I ONCE MET A GUY....."

"Calm down." Caterpillar-San covered my mouth and rolled his eyes, "breathe ok!"


Aizawa-San said he was bringing in someone my age who I could be friends with, I didn't know all 6 year olds were like...........that.

The girl was giggling and jumping up and down on the spot while poor Aizawa-San tried to calm her down.

"Do you......DO YOU WANT TO BE FRIENDS!" I plucked up the courage and shouted..oops too loud what if she hates me now.

"OF COURSE I WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH A PRINCESS!" The girl, Masumi, yelled grabbing me by the shoulders and looking at me in the eyes with a serious expression. It made me giggle.

Aizawa sighed, he got out a board game from the cupboard and dumped it on floor.

"You guys can play with this for a while I need to get going If you need anything there are people in the next room ok." Aizawa-San told both of us.

"Hai!" Masumi said loudly.. "hai.." I said quietly after her and Aizawa-San smiled softly at us before leaving.

"Let's give each other nicknames!" The blonde said setting up the game. I went to join her.

"Nicknames?" I asked confused.

"Yea it's what friends call each other I'll call you....Eri-Chan!!!" Masumi brightly smiled at me.

Masumi....she was so sweet, I don't know why she kept calling me a Princess when she looks like an absolute goddess her long silky blonde hair and her soft doe eyes.

"Eri-Chan! Can you give me a nickname!?" Masumi pleaded.

"Oh urmm let's see how about Mi-Chan?" I asked as she stared at me probably thinking about how bad it was.

"Oh urmm sorry I just used the last to this of your nam..."

"I LOVE IT! THANK YOU ERI-CHAN!" Masumi stood up from setting the board game and bowed a good 90 degrees as I got flustered.

"Ahah it's ok!" I held her hands and smiled at her... a real smile! I was happy!

3rd Person POV

"Hey Eri-Chan?" Masumi asked whilst rolling the dice.

"Yes?" She answered.

"What do you want to be when you are older?" Masumi asked moving her figure 5 spaces.

"I haven't really thought about it yet...what about you." Eri shyly answered.

"Mama signed me up for dancing and singing lessons....you know what an Idol is?" Masumi questioned.

"An Idol? No." Eri stated.

"Well they sing, dance and model and Mama signed me up for an Idol project." Masumi muttered.

"Wow that's so cool!" Eri had stars in her eyes.

"Yea I know! It's really fun!" Now Masumi had stars in her eyes as they looked at each other in awe.

"But I wanna be like nii-Chan....I wanna be a hero and save people and help people..."Masumi said sadly fringe covering her face.

"You can be a hero!" Eri said inspirationally.

"What?" Masumi asked confused.

"You can be a hero! I've never had a friend before...and you've been so very kind to me!" Eri said.

"ERI-CHAN!" Masumi squealed leaning over the board game to hug her knocking over half of it in the process

"Urmm Mi-Chan you kinda..."

"Errriiiiii-chhhhhaaaaannnn!" Masumi said squeaking her.

"I..I can't breathe..." Eri stuttered

"Oops sorry!" She sweatdropped.

Katsuki Bakugou x little sister (OC)Where stories live. Discover now