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Basically a filler chapter AS AN APOLOGY FOR NOT UPDATING IN AGES

Breakfast finished quite quickly and the two teens helped the little ones with their coats and shoes and started to headed out, Izuku holding Kota's hand whilst Masumi held Bakugou's.

"We're going on a train~ We're going on a train~" Masumi sang skipping as she swung her brothers hand.

"Sumi stop being annoying." He sighed but it feel upon deaf ears.

"Train~ train~ Nii-Chan can you believe it!?" Masumi said eyes glittering as Bakugou just tsked and looked away.

"We are lucky the train station is quite close." Izuku stated as they approached the station.

"Is that our train!" Masumi asked pointing at a train that she could spot as they were buying tickets.

"No, that train goes to the airport we are going the opposite way." Izuku explained.

"I see." Masumi nodded vigorously.

"K our train's coming in 5 minutes you can just sit on the bench and wait." Bakugou said as he collected the tickets from the machine.

"C'mon Kota-kun." Masumi said grabbing her new friends hand and sitting down swinging her little legs.

"She's so two are very different huh." Izuku smiled as he watched Masumi explain excitedly about the buildings in Toubetsu and the different shops.

"HUH? What are you trying to say." Bakugou growled at the greenette.

"Hehe nothing." Izuku sweatdropped.

"Ok both of you brats hold hands we are getting on now." Bakugou ordered as the train came to a halt in front of them.


"See Kota-kun I told you it was cool here." Masumi said pointing to the colorful buildings she could see in the distance when they got off the train.

"Woah, it is actually....kinda cool." Kota awed.

"You should take a picture." Masumi said, "With your camera!"

"Kota you'll get a better view when we get out of the station." Izuku said.

"Ok let's go already." Katsuki's said getting slightly agitated stomping away as Masumi scuttled behind him followed by Izuku and Kota.

They walked along, the blacktop streets absorbing the spring sunshine and the cobbled pavements gave an almost story book vibe. Bright colors filled every corner of every street and expressive spots of graffiti on various buildings sang in vibrant hues. 

"So pretty right?" Masumi said looking around with the same look in her eyes that Kota had.

"Right!" Kota agreed.

"Take lots and lots of pictures." Masumi ordered as Kota enthusiastically nodded.

They continued walking for a couple of minutes led by Bakugou, they spotted many different interesting buildings until  they had arrived towards the edge of the small town, a cornfield awaited and standing in the distance  seemed a group of 3 people with camera's set up and a small changing room behind them.

"We are here." Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"TOYADA-SAN!" Masumi screamed running up to a fairly tall lady with bright red curly hair and amber eyes.

"Ahh Sumi-Chan!" The woman smiled opening her arms for a hug from the excitable child.

"And you too Katsuki gimme a hug." The woman opened her arms but Katsuki dodged as the woman laughed.

Katsuki Bakugou x little sister (OC)Where stories live. Discover now