Chapter XXXI

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This chapter is dedicated to VictoriaHether. You have been such an amazing reader, thank you so much for your votes, your wonderful comments and you support. I really am so grateful.


Chapter XXXI

The regiment remained on the Thompson Plantation for two weeks. I would often see the Yanks as they rode about, patrolling the area. Robert came to see me twice and Sammy would of course use every possible excuse to come over. Apart from wanting to see me and Elsie, he was now very curious to find out the many secrets this house had. I knew he would pester Lulu, George and Kristoffs, and they were very annoyed at him. Lulu said that the secrets of the Beverly family were never any of his concern, and so he didn't need to know about them.

"Why are they so secretive," he confronted me once, after yet another unsuccessful attempt to get something out of George.

"Remember that Rome wasn't built in a day," I pointed out. "If I have learned anything it is that openly asking questions in this house won't get you anywhere."

"Well, maybe you could help me out a little!"

"Honestly, Sammy," I was a little annoyed, "I am currently occupied with more pressing matters. Must I remind you that this country is at war and my home just so happens to be right on the warpath. I've got a household to try and keep together, and that means I don't have a lot of free time like I did before."

Sammy frowned, but I could see he understood my point.

"Why don't you leave the secrets of the Beverly family to the last Beverly descendent," I suggested. "Instead of bothering everyone here, you could put your detective skills to use in trying to get Colonel White tell you something about his past with my mother." Honestly, I was a little afraid of the tragic tale of my parents, but then Mama had said that nothing in my past was dangerous, so I figured I could be brave enough to at least try and discover their back story. And Sammy was my perfect key. With his help I could things find out without actually having to get involved.

I hadn't heard much from Colonel White since he had left. When Dr. Fieldmore had come to examine me he had passed on the colonel's compliments and said Colonel White was glad to hear I was improving. I in turn had asked the doctor to give the colonel my deepest gratitude for all he did. That concluded all communication with him, I neither saw nor heard from the colonel in the entire time he was on Thompson's.


It was the beginning of January, about ten days after the shooting incident, when Sammy came for another visit to the house. I was washing some laundry when he entered the room. He was rather downcast and I noticed it right away.

"Is something the matter?" I asked, wringing out the pillowcase

"A messenger came today, Colonel White's battalion is only a day's march from here. They should arrive tomorrow at sundown and at first light the next day we will be marching out."

"Oh." I put the wet pillowcase in the tub and turned to sit down. I still couldn't stand for long periods of time. Sammy supported me by the arm as he helped me into a chair.

"You have got to take better care of yourself," he scolded, concern flashing in his eyes. "Can't you just take it easy for a few days? The wound needs time to heal. It's not like Elsie and Lulu can't manage without you."

I stubbornly shook my head, "inactivity makes my mind wander. As long as I keep busy, my sanity remains intact. I don't know how Prissy manages to sit in her room doing nothing all day long, such behavior would have driven me mad. But then I guess we all have our own ways of deal with hardship and stress. Don't worry, dear Sammy, so far I've only done light housework."

Sarah's Roses, Book II: Roses of WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now