Chapter V

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The stunning and beautiful cover was made by Carpathia. Thanks so much! I just LOVE it :) I'm dedicating this chapter to you because I don't know how else to show my gratitude. I really am so thankful for your support :)


Chapter V

“You are going to WHAT?” I couldn’t believe my ears.

“Oh, Sarah,” Jeff groaned. “Don't be so dramatic.”

Jeff had come to stay with us for his summer holidays, but the joy of his visit was cut short by the news he had brought with him.

“Don't you talk to me about drama! Jeff, you can’t be serious. You wouldn’t do something so, so, so foolish!”

“Why do you and Uncle have to have such a similar reaction?” He demanded of me. “You should have seen how he exploded at me in his study. I’m surprised the house didn’t blow up with him.”

“Maybe it’s because great minds think alike!” I shot back at him. “I’m not surprised Uncle is upset. What did you expect when you went ahead and got engaged to Prissy without his consent? And to think you have been engaged to her for half a year and never told anyone about it, and now you just come and tell us you are going to marry her? For shame, Jeff, for shame!”

Jeff grit his teeth in anger as the blood rushed to his face. I wasn’t through talking yet.

“You can’t marry her now; you’ve still got a whole year of Oxford left. Think what this marriage will do to your grades. Uncle has spent a fortune on your studies and is this how you repay him? By binding yourself to a woman without consulting him first?”

“I love her and I have every right to marry her. I am not a little child! I’m of age and I don’t need my Uncle’s consent for matters concerning my personal life. If I decide I am going to marry her, then I am going to marry her.”

“Prissy is spoiled and self-centered and I could never understand from the start why you were so attracted to her. She’ll make a terrible wife.”

When Jeff and I fought it was all teeth and nails. The fact that this fight was about Prissy only made it worse.

“You’re just saying that because the two of you don’t like each other.”

“I’ll bet you five dollars Uncle said the same thing. You know Uncle disapproves of the two of you and so you didn’t bother to consult him. Is that why she went traveling last winter? To see you? And you became engaged while in England? Oh I’m not surprised he exploded the way he did, not surprised one bit.”

Jeff gave a frustrated sigh. “He’s just angry at her because of the whole incident between you and her. Aunt Helen approves of the marriage…”

“Aunt Helen approves of everything you do.” I snapped. “You could declare a mission to the moon and Aunt Helen would approve.”

“Oh for the love of mercy, don’t exaggerate.” Jeff threw his hands up as he began pacing the floor. “I was hoping to get some support from you to in the hopes of changing Uncle Andrew’s mind.”

“You wanted me to support a foolish and imprudent engagement?” I shook my head. “Oh, Jeff, surely you can see how imprudent it would be. Look at the way she lives, she spends money right and left. Today it’s her father’s money, tomorrow it will be yours. She’ll spend you out of house and plantation.”

“She’s not like that.”

“Yes she is. Look at her family, her brother gambles and her father speculates. Trust me, it’s not going to end up well for any of them and it won’t end up well for you if you get caught up with them. Do you really want to end up like…?”

Sarah's Roses, Book II: Roses of WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now