What Won't Be - A Short Story

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So here's a short story i randomly wrote last year and published on my blog. I thought about you guys today and decided to put it up here for y'alls reading pleasure. Tell me what you think, I'd love to leave more like this here or maybe create a new book altogether for short stories 🤔🤔



Eide recognized him the minute he came down from the car.

Those eyes still housed the same scary intense glint in them although the round face she once cradled in her palm now looked like a sculptor had taken a chisel to it. That lean neck she’d locked her palms behind so many times in the past. Wide shoulders that her hands had once rested on. That muscular chest that had been squashed against hers in a heated embrace more times than she cared to remember.

She shook her head to ward off the memories as they began flooding her mind. She caught his grin just as she did. That damn grin! It always turned her head to mush but she wasn’t having non of that today. She had a meeting to get to and he was in her way.

She got down from her car in a fury and walked up to where he stood in the middle of the road. “Is there a reason why you’re blocking my car?” She asked, motioning to the camouflage army Jeeps parked in front and behind her Mercedes.

Aliyu smiled. “All these years I’ve spent thinking about you, i never imagined those would be the first words you’d say to me when we finally meet again.”

Eide rolled her eyes. “Aliyu I don’t have time for this today. I have a meeting i need to be in in 30 minutes.” The meeting with the investors was actually over 2 hours away, but she was a stickler for punctuality and she needed to go through the paper work one more time before she handed it over. “So please, can you ask your people to move the cars out of my way?”

Aliyu chuckled. “And why would i do that?” He asked.

Eide wanted to strangle him. She turned to look at her Grey Mercedes. Aliyu’s men soldiers had blocked her from the back and the front. The lone street was virtually empty. Even if it wasn’t, nobody was gonna come to her rescue. Nigerians knew better than to mess with military men. Eide sighed. She knew there was no getting out of this without the man giving the order.

She turned back to look at the cause of her frustration. He stood approximately 2 baby steps away from her, towering over her in his usual domineering manner.

She watched his smile slip, dip and morph into a deep set frown as he said, “We need to talk.”

“I have nothing left to say to you.”

“Well then, i guess I’ll do all the talking and you’ll enjoy listening.”

“In your dreams.”

Aliyu cocked his head to the side and smiled a beautiful menacing smile. His eyes dead set on her, he gave an order to the men who stood surrounding the car. “Get me the driver.”

The soldiers shuffled, griped the poor middle aged man and pulled him towards Aliyu.

One asked, “What shall we do with him sir?”

His eyes still set on her, so she could see the seriousness in them, he spoke. “Shoot him in both legs.”

“Jesus!” The man screamed.

Eide was unmoved. Ten years may have come in between them, but she knew Aliyu. He didn’t have the heart.

Aliyu’s soldiers looked on in shock. They’d never seen their Commander like this before. They weren’t sure if he was serious or not and so they hesitated.

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