Chapter Twenty Two - My Mom and I

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Tseju gasped, tapping the answer button furiously. "Hello? Mom?" She asked, half expecting to hear a strangers voice informing her that the bearer of the phone had been found dead in a ditch and he/she was calling the recently called number.

"Yes yes, I've missed you too." The chirpy cheerful voice of Mrs Mobijilade rang through Tseju's speaker.

"Oh my God!!! Mommy????"

"Yes, who else is supposed to call you with my number? Or do you have another mother now?" She asked, teasing.

"Oh my God! Mom? Are you okay? Are you good?"

"Why yes darling, I'm perfectly okay." She wondered about Tseju's shocked tone. "Is everything okay? You sound err... I don't know, weird. Of course I'm okay." That technically wasn't a lie. She knew she was now, but she wasn't sure for how long.

"Oh God mommy!!! Where have you been and why, why did you lie to your children?" She asked, then suddenly realising she wasn't alone, she walked out of the room. Partly because she didn't want to wake Bayo up and also because she really needed privacy to vent.

Shutting the door behind her, she began walking towards the reception. "Up until the last time we spoke, you said you were with Dafe but he called me on Saturday and told me you'd left Dallas over three weeks ago, three weeks! Where have you been?"


"Hello? Mommy?" Tseju looked at the screen to be sure network had not disconnected the call, then put the phone back to her ear.

"First of all, i love you dear girl, but i am not a child that i should explain my every movement to my children or anyone else for that matter. I can come and go as i please. Are we clear?"

"We were worried!" Tseju all but screamed in exasperation. "We thought something had happened to ..." She was again interrupted by her mother.

"I can come and go as i please. Are. We. Clear?" Mrs Mobijilade repeated, stressing the last question for emphasis. She was not a child neither was she one of those mothers who would allow her children think her life revolved around them, and she certainly nipped impudence or disrespect in the bud before it grew to a blooming tree.

"Yes ma." Tseju replied, reducing her voice to indoor levels. "It's just that we were worried about you."

"Yes, and you have every right to be, and I apologise for lying about my whereabouts." She paused, inhaling deeply. "There's something i need to tell you and your brother. I'm in Abuja at the moment, need to finish something and erm when i get to Benin we'll talk. Okay?"

"Yes ma. I just... i was so worried mom. I actually passed out because of shock." She gave a wry laugh.

"Jesus!" Mrs Mobijilade was shocked. "What? Ah ah! How are you feeling now? Are you home? Who is taking care of you?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm actually at a hospital. But not for me. Bayo had an accident on Saturday night too." She gave a wry laugh. "I know right? Something bad happens to me and happens to him. Such love!" She said drily.

"Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear! How is he?" So much had happened!

"Well he's stable now. His dad and sisters are here, nothing serious sha. Just a dislocated shoulder."

"Ahhh!! The poor boy. He's going to miss his exams, eoooo. What happened?"

"Yea, about that, apparently they can reschedule. So he'll it at a later date, when he's you know... better." For the latter question, "We don't know oh. We got a call when i was still out. He hasn't woken up since we got here.

She sighed, running her hand down her face, a sign of exhaustion. "I'm just so tired. I just ate for the first time since yesterday morning. I haven't even showered. I look like I'm suffering. I feel emotionally drained, I'm physically drained, i just want to sleep." Fighting the sudden strong urge to cry, she added, "You're usually my anchor for things like this. Please hurry and come back, I miss you like an idiot misses the point!"

Mrs Mobijilade managed a weak laugh. In truth her heart was breaking with the knowledge that soon, her daughter would need to find a new anchor to get through life's lemons. "I wish i had been there for you, I feel terrible."

"No Mom! I feel terrible. Something's going on with you, i can sense it. You don't sound like you. I don't know what's happening or has happened. It's eating at me and I just... are you okay?" Tseju asked, voice so low, her mom could tell she was suppressing tears. Worry was eating away at her nerves as her brain played all the plausible things that could take her mother away from her.

"Well, I'm... I'm okay. Seems I'll have to be in Benin earlier than i planned. What hospital is he in?"

"No no, actually, we're not in Benin. We're in a hospital around Zanden. Just call me when you get to the university, I'll direct you."

"Okay, i will."

"Do take care mommy. I don't think I'll be able to stop worrying about you until i see you."

"My dear, I've always told you, worrying never gets you anything but wrinkles. Smile dear child. Your mother will be fine."

"Okay mom. I'll be waiting for your call. I love you okay? I can't wait to see you."

"I love you too my child. Now go away so i can get my anti wrinkle sleep."

Tseju shook her head and laughed. "Bye bye." Turning around, she walked back to the room, feeling 3000 times lighter.

Getting to the room, she met both Yemisi and Aka standing outside.

"What's up, why are you guys outside?"

It was Aka, a blinding smile on her face, who answered. "Bayo's awake!"

Tseju could have passed out because of sheer joy!

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