Chapter Twenty Seven - I need you but you need you more

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Two weeks had passed since Bayo had been discharged. 14 days since Tseju had seen him after his transfer to Hotch's Hospital, Ottawa for full recovery based on MJ's demand.

Tseju sighed and flipped the page of her ISD 432 notebook. She could barely comprehend the words on the screen, her mind was too heavy with thoughts of her mother's health issue. It'd been 336 hours since she moved back into the house with her mother, whether it was to be with her during her last days on earth or to be there for the recovery process, she had no idea and that scared her more than anything else in the world.

She wanted Bayo to be here. She needed him to be here, but she understood that he couldn't because he had to recover asap and come back to retake his exams. The Zanden exam board had shown great empathy for his situation plus he was a star student and so, preparations were made for him to retake the exam upon full recovery.

They barely spoke now. Her chocolate man and herself. He was usually sleeping or reading. The time difference was crazy and so they barely spoke now. Her phone rang at least 20 times a day these days. If it wasn't Aunty Jumi or uncle Mide, it was Mako, Mayo or Bello or Chuks. She'd even met Felicity, Mako's beautiful blonde wife, via conference call. Even Bayo's dad had called three times in the past two weeks. She'd just gotten off a conference call with Yemisi and Aka, but the last time she spoke to Bayo was over 29 hrs ago, over half a day, that's where they were now and she hated the irregularity of the sound of his voice sifting through her phone, saying something that either made her laugh till her sides hurt or blush till her cheeks felt hot.

Ada and Tess weren't doing much calling because they'd both partially moved into the house following Tseju breaking the gut wrenching news to them. The girls had wept for the looming loss of their follow come mother. Tseju had been too weak to even cry, it seemed like that was all she did these days, cry.

She wept for her mom and all the pain she was going through. She wept for herself and her brother because she couldn't shake the fear that they were about to lose a second parent. She wept for all the time she felt she'd lost hating her mother after her dad left, years she could have spent building a relationship with her instead. She wept because Uniben wanted to kill her with exams and project work and she wept because she wanted her Chocolate Man beside her, holding her hand and promising her that everything was going to be fine.

Tseju finally abandoned the pretense of reading and went into her room to catch some zzzs. She checked in on her mother just to be sure she was okay and to confirm if she needed anything.

"I'm fine darling." Mrs Mobijilade smiled.

"Okay well, call if you need anything, I wanna get a power nap so i can read all night."

"Sure thing honey. Ada and Tess are gone?"

"Yea, they left while you were sleeping, we didn't want to wake you. Well, call if you need anything, I love you."

"Love you too darling."

Tseju made sure to keep the door behind slightly open so she could easily hear if she was called. As she lay on her bed, snuggled into a lotus position back facing the door, she thought of how different it would be if Bayo were here. He didn't even know what she was going through, she couldn't bring herself to tell him. She didn't want to burden him further and so she'd smiled and acted like she was perfectly alright even though she wasn't. She needed him to worry about himself and not her. She needed him to focus on getting better and coming back and taking his exams. She needed him to be back so she could have her Chocolate Man to herself again.

At exactly 7'pm, her phone beeped, waking her to resume her reading. Tseju stretched, touched "Stop" on the screen and fell back asleep. She woke up with a start 2 hours later and facepalmed when she realized she'd hit "Stop" not "Snooze."

She got up, adjusted her robe and picked up the remote to turn off the AC before walking across the sitting room to her mother's room to check up on her before she resumed reading. She usually lingered close to the bed after placing a kiss on her head, watching the rise and fall of her chest to ensure that she was still breathing.

The first thing Tseju noticed when she entered the room was that her mom had fallen asleep with her slippers on, which was unusual, but Tseju guessed fatigue had probably gotten to her before home training.

Getting closer to the bed, the second thing Tseju noticed was that her mom looked like she'd literally fallen on the bed, instead of laying down to sleep. Tseju's breath quickened and so did her footsteps.

The third thing she noticed was that her mother's chest lay like unleavened dough, it wasn't rising, at all.

Tseju screamed!


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