part 17

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I don't know what's happening. In one moment,I was enjoying with Da mi.In the next second,we were surrounded by two men.We just got out from the perris wheel.

No one was around us.Everyone has run away.But we couldn't. These men bring back a nostalgic feeling for me.5 years ago.I faced this kind of situation when Deoksim was still alive.

I held Da mi's hand tightly.

"What do you want?"I asked from those  men.I could sense them smirking under their masks.

"Your death"

Before I could utter a word,Da mi came infront of me.My whole body and mind got alerted.


Sky ran everywhere looking for Jimin.Her heart was racing thinking what might have happened. But when her eyes caught a fight near the perris wheel,she immediately ran towards them only to witness Jimin and Da mi fighting with two men.She smirked.

"Looks like I'm a bit late to the party"she casually walked to them.She spined her gun in her hand and walked while whistling. Her whistling sound got their attention. "Hey fellas"she greeted them taking Jimin and Da mi shock.

As soon as the two men saw Sky's gun,they tried to take their guns from their waist bands but Sky was quick enough to notice it.She didn't waste any second before shooting their legs making them fall into the ground with painful cries.She smiled devilishly. Still she had those tiny little demons lurking in her head.They will only appear when she touches her gun.The demons Byunhun made inside her body.The blood thirsty demons.

But now,those demons only gave a shelter of protection to sky's precious loved ones.Her dark eyes turned to Jimin and Da mi who were utterly shocked.Sky pointed her finger towards where Jungkook,Taehyung and Aeri went."Go.Jungkook and Taehyung are waiting behind the wall"

Jimin opened his mouth but closed again when Sky sent him a glare.It says all.His all questions will be answered later.Not now.

On the other hand,Da mi was staring at Sky with wide eyes.Her hands suddenly turned into a fist.But she didn't utter a word.She took Jimin's wrist before dragging him away.

Sky's gaze went to the two men who were on the floor groaning in pain.She took predatory steps closer to them.She was covered with that darkness again.It all happened because of Taehyung's injury.It triggered her.She couldn't stand seeing her brother getting shot infront of her.It awoke the ugly monster within her.

They dared to hurt my brothers.I will not spare any of these motherfucker.

She only saw red.She crouched down next to one men.She gripped his hair tightly."you dared to hurt them huh?do you think you will be able to live after hurting them?hm?"

The man struggled. "W-Who are you?"

"Me?"she chuckled darkly."Your death"she whispered with a sick smile scaring the man to the core. She dragged her gun on his chest bringing it closer to his head seductively.She pressed her head of the gun against the scared man's head."say hi to hell for me"

She was about to pull the trigger but,


She snapped her head towards where she heard the voice.

There,Bogum stood with his men.His worried eyes were directly pointed towards Sky.

Jongsuk also ran towards the scene out of nowhere.He was panting heavily. When his eyes caught Sky on the floor next to a man with her gun,his breath got hitched.

"Put down the gun sky"Bogum ordered sternly.

They all heard police sirens.

Sky blankly looked at Bogum.Bogum took a step forward. "Now!"Bogum again yelled sternly.

Sky released the man from her grip and stood up.She didn't let go of her gun.She will never let go of her gun.She is bound to that gun.

"Come to me"Bogum's voice became soft.He saw Jongsuk standing staring at Sky.Bogum clenched his jaw.

She slowly backed away and walked to Bogum without saying anything. She stood infront of him without blinking. "Let me interrogate them"

"No.It will be done by me.Now go home"He was again the cold boss.That's the only way he could control sky now.If someone needs to control sky,then that person should learn how to be dominant than sky.Bogum had learnt about sky a lot in these past 5 years.He knew what to do infront of her demonic mode.

"I said now!"Bogum yelled.

Sky clenched her fists.She forced herself to bow even tho she didn't want to.She respected Bogum a lot.So she will eventually give in due to the high respect she has for him.And to her,he is a brother who protects her.If he was a random man who tries to dominate her,she would have broken few ribs of him.

"Take your medicines as soon as you went.Got it?and Kim Taehyung is fine.He was brought to the hospital with his brothers and the two girls"

Sky nodded without uttering a word and left.Jongsuk stared at her walking figure.He squinted his eyes.Suspicions were blooming in his head.The way Bogum controlled sky,the way she was going nuts with her gun,the way she looked at those two gun men,etc.

He was about to follow her but Bogum held his shoulder giving him a intense glare."Stay away from her.For your own good"

Jongsuk couldn't help but to glare back.He raised an eyebrow. "She isn't your sister right?"

Bogum was a bit taken back.But he kept his poker face.

Jongsuk smirked."I know she is a part of NIS. She is here for a mission.And believe me.I know what kind of danger I might get myself into.So I don't need your advices Park Bogum-ssi"he bowed with respect before leaving.

Bogum ran his fingers through his hair feeling anger boiling inside him."The more you get closer to her,the more she hurts herself"he whispered under his breath.


Hey guys.

Today chapter is a bit short.But hope you enjoyed!

See ya soon!

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