part 32

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Sol-ah woke up when she felt Sun rays hitting her face.She slowly turned to her side only to meet his already opened eyes.She smiled softly.

"When did you wake up?"she asked with her morning voice.

Jongsuk smiled pulling her more closer to his naked body."Just few minutes ago"

She snuggled closer to his chest hiding her face in his chest.

"I wish I could wake up everyday with you in my arms like this"he whispered and pecked her head.

Sol-ah giggled.But soon,a question popped in her mind.It was has been in her mind for a long time now.She looked at him.

"Uh,I-I have a question"

Jongsuk nodded signalling her to ask.

"You know,you loved me before I do a surgery to my face.Now I have changed--"

Jongsuk cut her off."Are you asking if my love changed because of your new face?"

Sol-ah looked down and nodded slowly.She heard him chuckling. She felt his finger on her chin.

He raised her chin and made her look at him."So what if your face changed?You are still the girl I loved.As long as you are yourself, I love you.Appearance doesn't matter.What matter is our love is real"he pecked her lips sealing the moment.

Just then they heard a loud banging sound coming from the door.Sol and Jongsuk got startled.

"I-I'm dead.T-They will kill me!"Sol-ah whisper yelled in panick.

Jongsuk's heart was racing at a super speed.He was flustered and didn't know what to do.He was sure that her 7 devils will bury him alive if they get to know what happened.

But to their relief,it was Da mi."Sol-ah!I know you are in there!Just come out quickly!!"she whisper yelled like she is a hurry.

Sol-ah gasped.She quickly wore her cloths.Jongsuk also wore his cloths quickly.

Sol-ah opened the door only to be dragged away."w-what's happening?h-how did you know--"

Da mi cut her off by wrapping a towel around sol-ah's neck to cover her hickies. "You brat!lucky you I'm here today.Otherwise that poor boy would be instantly killed.Now stop talking and let's go to your room!Jimin is coming on the way to Jongsuk's room"

Da mi and Sol-ah got inside Sol-ah's room and sighed in relief.

"Aish, did you forget that guest rooms aren't sound proof?!Thank God it was me.If one of your brother passed by the room,I don't even want to imagine what might happen!"

Sol-ah was still dumbfounded. "What do you mean?"

Da mi rolled her eyes."Last night,I was going to the kitchen to drink some water and had to pass by the room.And you can guess what happened"

Sol-ah's cheeks turned red.She shyly looked down.

"Tsk,good for you.So how was it?"Da mi asked shamelessly wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yah!!"Sol-ah hit her arm in embarrassment meanwhile Da mi laughed hard.

"Looks like girl had an amazing night huh?"she teased Sol-ah even more.

"Aish,stob it!"

Time skip

Sol-ah looked at her neck through the mirror.She was impressed by Da mi's make up to cover her hickies.

She turned to Da mi who was looking back with crossed arms.Sol-ah thumbs up and winked.

"So,where do you plan to go as Sol-ah?"Da mi asked."You should celebrate your freedom to the fullest"

Sol-ah cracked her neck with a smirk."Of course"

Da mi looked at her outfit.A black short and a crop top."So?"

"Wanna come with me?"

Jungkook was laziling around the garden.He was just too sleepy but he had to go out because of his Jin hyung's nagging. Just then he heard a very familiar sound.

He lazily looked around only to notice Sol-ah starting Jungkook's bike which was in the garage. His eyes went wide.

Da mi also hopped on her bike which was next to his bike.Sol-ah looked at Jungkook's shocked face.She smirked evily. "Bad bitch is back"she mouthed him before puckering her lips to a kiss.She put the helmet and rode it before Jungkook could stop her.

"Yah!!!That's my bike!!!yah!stop right there you cannibal bitch!"

Too late.She had already left.Jungkook stomped his feet on the ground angrily. "She better keep my baby safe"he remembered what happened to his bike last time she rode it.It got totally crushed under a van which was kidnapping Jisoo. (A/n:Hope you all remember that incident)

Sol-ah drove to a salon.Da mi also stopped near her bike.She was confused at why Sol-ah wanted to come here.

Sol-ah quickly ran inside.

Time skip

Sol-ah came outside the salon with Da mi.Da mi was impressed with the new look of Sol-ah.

She had cut her hair till her shoulders again like when she was Deoksim. And had dyed her hair in silver colour.She was totally looking like a hot badass chic with the red painted lips.

"Now you are the old Deoksim"Da mi chuckled.

"It feels so much fresh to be myself again.Being a respectful student in a university doesn't go well with me"

"What about Miran?wanna meet her?"Da mi asked suddenly.

"Of course!I must meet her.Today night at your brother's club.What you say?"

Da mi smirked.

"For now,I have another work.See ya tonight. Ah,tell my brothers not to worry.I'll be back soon"

Da mi got confused. "Where are you going?"

"I have some work. Don't worry.Just trust me"she said with a chuckle.

Da mi sighed."I won't trust you till you come back alive.Just make sure to gain my trust again.Bitch, I will die one day because of you"

Sol-ah laughed and hoped on the bike."Not when you have me sweetie"

With that she drove away.She drove to the fullest speed.She didn't wear the helmet.She wanted to feel the freedom she got.

As she went far away,she found almost empty road which she can ride her bike without any troubles. She let go of the bike and extended her hands.She closed her eyes taking the fresh air.She smiled widely.She is a free bird now.She didn't feel like dying anymore. She wanted to live. She felt alive.She opened her eyes.

"HA!YAHOO!"she screamed in happiness. "I'M GONNA LIVE!!I WILL LIVE!!I WANT TO LIVE!"

Tears left from her eyes when she remembered her past.A chained woman who is now feeling the freedom for the first time.But,

She hardened her eyes and gripped the handles of the bike."I will live.No matter what.For that,you will have to die Lee Byunhun.I will make sure that I'll be infront of your eyes when you release your last breath"

She stopped the bike and looked at her phone.She looked at the text she received early in the morning.

'Do you think you can hide from me?I know every word your soul speaks Kim Deoksim.And how can I forgot that tattoo which was given by my hands'


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