Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Oh Ginny, dear, Harry! It's so good to see you!" Molly ushered them in, brushing off Harry's shoulder from the Floo. Despite having years of experience, the man was still rather horrible at Floo traveling. He always seemed to end up with a bit off soot somewhere on him.

"And who are these big young men, I don't seem to recognize them! These can't be my little grandsons, can they?" Molly gasped, teasing with James and Albus who giggled.

"Grandma, it's me, Albus!" Al exclaimed excitedly, bouncing up and down.

"Albus? But the last time I saw you, you were just this tall!" She held up her hand to about the same height as Albus was now, making the toddler burst out laughing.

"We just saw you last weekend, Grandma Molly!" James rolled his eyes with a smile, explaining the obvious to his grandmother.

"Oh, well I suppose you did! I still think you've grown since then!" She winked, bringing them into her chest for a hug. She rose to her feet and peered inside the travel bassinet that Harry was holding to look at her granddaughter.

"And how is Miss Lily doing?" She asked, looking up at Harry and Ginny.

"She slept for five hours at a time last night, which was the best Christmas present I ever could have asked for," Ginny laughed, making her way over to the sofa with Harry and picking her youngest up out of the bassinet.

Molly held out her hands with a grabbing motion, and Ginny carefully transferred her daughter into her mother's arms. Harry's arm snaked around her shoulder and gave her a light squeeze, and she leaned her head into his shoulder. She knew that by handing Lily to her mother, it was almost guaranteed that they wouldn't get her back until it was time to leave.

"Ginny, Harry! Happy Christmas!" Arthur exclaimed, making his way into the den where his wife was cooing at her smallest grandchild, and James and Albus were already running around with Rose, Teddy, Victoire, Domonique, Fred and Roxanne.

"Happy Christmas, dad," Ginny gave her father a hug, and kissed his cheek. Arthur reached over and gave Harry a hearty slap on the back.

"Oi! Forgetting someone?" Ron called, entering the room with a glass of eggnog in hand. Behind him, Hermione entered the room as well.

"Rose, play nice," she scolded as her daughter extended her foot in preparation to trip James. Guiltily, the five year old pulled her leg back and gave her mum and adorable 'I didn't mean to do anything bad' smile.

"Happy Christmas mate!" Ron grinned, giving Harry's shoulder another hearty slap. Harry wondered if he would ever get used to the Weasley men greeting one another that way. Based on the current stinging in his shoulder, he was beginning to think the answer was no.

The room began to fill up with more people as more family members arrived or entered the room to find a seat, and soon, the volume in the room was so loud that Harry could barely hear himself think.

"Alright everyone! Settle down, and listen up for just a moment!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, standing atop a bench and clinking a spoon against her glass. The volume in the room died down as everyone watched her expectantly.

"Supper is on the table," as the volume rose again, she tapped the glass again. "Hold your horses! Each family can make their way to their normal seats, one at a time. Bill, starting with you, and going oldest to youngest!"

It took a bit for everyone to file into the kitchen and get both children and themselves settled, but finally the task was complete.

"Before we start eating what looks and smells to be an amazing meal, I would like to say something!" Arthur declared, standing up.

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