Chapter Twenty Seven

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Hermione opened the door to find Harry bouncing on his tip toes, grinning ear to ear like a five year old with a secret. Ginny was smiling as well, and rolled her eyes at Harry when Hermione raised her eyebrows questioningly.

"So I'm assuming you found out? And that you drove here instead of Floo'd so that you could tell us?" Hemione grinned, bouncing Hugo on her hip gently.

"Oi! Harry, Ginny! What're you two doing here?" Ron asked, poking his head around the corner from where he had been cooking in the kitchen.

"Oh, well we thought maybe you two would want to know the gender first, but I suppose we were maybe being a bit silly. I think we should go to George and Angelina's instead, right Harry?" Ginny teased, looking up at her giddy husband.

"It's a girl!" Harry blurted.

"Bloody hell, Harry!" Ginny exclaimed, but even she couldn't suppress her excitement.

"Oh Merlin, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!" Hermione cried, throwing her open around Ginny's neck and shoulders to pull her into a hug.

"Congrats mate!" Ron grinned, slapping Harry on the back in a celebratory manner.

"Oh Ginny, you'll love having a girl," Hermione gushed, looking towards the kitchen to where Rose was smiling and humming to herself as she colored.

"Don't get me wrong, Hugo is amazing, and not fussy at all, but compared to James and Albus- girls are so tame," Hermione and Ginny laughed. Some people would have taken that as an insult to their kids, but Hermione was right. James and Albus were just... wild.

"Well, we just wanted to pop in on our way to go get the boys from mum and dad's, but we'll see you Sunday for brunch!" Ginny told Ron and Hermione with final hugs.

"Love you, be safe driving home," Ron smiled, placing a hand on Hermione's shoulder and waving to Harry and Ginny with his other.

"We will! Love you too!" Ginny hollered, climbing into the passenger's seat of the car. Harry, who hadn't lost his smile the entire time, sunk into the drivers seat with a happy sigh.

"Well, are we ready to go get the little hooligans?" Ginny asked, adding a loving peck to Harry's lips.

Harry laughed and shook his head, eyes widening as he thought about the chaos the two created, but bit his lip with a smile when he remembered how much fun they were.

"As ready as we'll ever be."


"Did he finally go to sleep?" Ginny asked, looking up from her book. Harry nodded exhaustedly and flopped, face down, on to the bed.

Ginny chuckled, watching as Harry picked up his head and raised an eyebrow at her. But his glasses were askew on his face, and his hair disheveled, making it hard for her to be able to take him seriously..

"What? He wouldn't go down for you either!" Harry cried defensively, rolling to his back and propping himself up on his elbows.

"Your glasses," she giggled, completely ignoring his comment. Carefully she reached out and fixed his crooked glasses and ran her hand through his constantly unruly hair in an ever-failing attempt to tame it.

"I love you," Harry whispered seriously, leaning in to kiss her. Their lips met and embraced each other's warmth for a few moments before parting.

"I'm exhausted," he collapsed back down on his back with a sigh. Ginny smiled and placed her closed, dog- eared copy of her book on the nightstand before waving her wand lazily around the room. The lights fell, and Harry let out a content sigh.

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