Chapter Eighteen

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"Harry!" Ginny cried, keeling over the toilet to get sick once again. Harry came bounding up the stairs hurriedly, barging into the bathroom as Ginny lost the last of the night's dinner.

His eyebrows furrowed with sympathy, and he quickly made his way over to Ginny and pulled her short hair back out of her face, stroking her back as she finished getting sick. When she was done, she sat up and rested her back against the porcelain tub that sat beside her.

Wordlessly, Harry stood up and grabbed a washcloth and ran it under the faucet, letting the icy gush of water pour over it for a moment before turning it off. He quickly wrung out the cloth and squatted down in front of Ginny, gently dabbing her face with the cool cloth.

Ginny closed her eyes in content as the cold cloth made contact with her flushed face.

"Thank you," she whispered, shifting her body from resting on the bath to resting against Harry. He adjusted his weight and made sure she was comfortable resting against him, and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"Bloody morning sickness. It's not even morning," Ginny spat in annoyance. Harry had to choke back a chuckle at his wife's tone of voice.

"Oh, you think this is funny, yeah?" Ginny craned her neck to look up at Harry, who was now biting his lip in attempt to contain his laughter.

"No dear," Harry replied, running his hand over her still-flat stomach.

"You think this is funny!" Her face flushed red with anger. "How about you try getting sick twelve times a day, your skin breaking out, enough hormones coursing through your body that you could-"

"Gin," Harry cut her off. "I wasn't laughing at your situation. I was just laughing at your comment."

Ginny stopped and pondered his statement for a moment, before deciding to not respond.

"Do you need anything? You probably need to eat."

"I'll just throw it all up again," Ginny grumbled. "I swear, my morning sickness with the boys was never this bad. I've hardly kept anything down over the past few weeks."

"You need to eat though. You've got to provide enough for the two of you, and as of right now, you're barely keeping enough down to care for one of you," Harry rested his head on her shoulder, kissing her cheek gently.

"Do you have any cravings that you're dying to satisfy?" Harry asked, and Ginny sighed.

"It's not so much craving as thinking through what is not going to make me throw up," she responded. "But what's sounding the best right now is a bowl of porridge with brown sugar."

Harry hid his face from Ginny as he wrinkled his nose. It wasn't that he didn't like porridge with brown sugar, it was simply that if he was nauseous, that would be the last thing that he would want to eat.

"Alright, I'll go make you a bowl. Can you get to bed alright? I'll bring it to you so you can eat in bed instead of that bathroom."

Ginny sat forward and Harry stood up before reaching his hand out and helping Ginny stand up.

"Alright, good," Harry coaxed as he lead her to bed and helped her in.

"I'm not a complete invalid, just a pregnant woman suffering," Ginny joked.

"Gin, you can't hardly move without getting nauseous," Harry stated, wearing a deadpan expression on his face.

"Okay you've got a valid point," Ginny grimaced as her stomach did somersaults again. Luckily, it settled down quickly, and she let out a sigh of relief.

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