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Rose's POV

I plummet to the ground for what may seem like the hundredth time. For the past three minutes, Mr.Ivanov has been relentlessly attacking me with his element. I pop up before he can pressurize the air and use the wind around him to swipe him off of his feet.

While falling down, I blast him with two impactful bursts of air so that it will take longer to recover. I am done being on the defensive. I shoot air balls at my instructor while moving around the arena.

I know that Mr.Ivanov is much stronger than me, so pressurizing the air would be useless. He stands back up and retakes his position. I remember something we worked on in one of my training sessions, so I plant my feet in a wide stance and gather the air around me. Mr.Ivanov sees what I am doing, but before he can react, I bring my hands to the middle in a sharp motion. This attack is meant to be used when you are getting tired or have a stronger opponent, both of which apply to my situation.

Mr.Ivanov is harshly knocked back from this attack and gains his balance once more. Now that he taken a fair amount of hits, we trade advances and attacks. I evade his where as he dispels of mine, Mr.Ivanov has the advantage.

I use my energy and infuse it with a controlled ball of air. I send the attack hurling at my instructor, it meets its target. Adjusting to new or depleting energy is something that fire wielders are better at than any other elementals, so my attack caught my instructor off guard. Mr.Ivanov stands up straight and rolls his shoulders back, he adjusted far quicker than I thought he would.

I feel around for individual air atoms when I suddenly feel them being removed from where I am. I snap my gaze up to Mr.Ivanov to find him pulling away the air molecules from around me. I do my best to maintain hold of my composure as the oxygen from around me dwindles.

I am no match for an air master's strength, for I am just a first year. I take one large breath of air as the last of the air molecules are pulled away from me. I know that moving to a spot with higher density air would prove futile because Mr.Ivanov would replicate his actions, following my figure. At most, I have 1 minute and seven seconds left before I black out.

'I mustn't panic. I have to remain calm, no worries.' I chant in my head. I try to harness the air molecules from around Mr.Ivanov and use them against him, but I quickly stop when I find myself losing energy. I am slightly panicking because we have never gone over what to do in this situation and I am getting slightly nauseous. I feel my knees hit the ground before I register that my body has fallen. Twenty three seconds left. With the last of my energy, I do my best to will the air to me, but once again, Mr.Ivanov simply renders my abilities useless. Just as I feel myself hit peak of dizziness, I submit my defeat to my instructor.

My arms fall out from under me as air fills my lungs. I violently cough and gasp for air as I attempt to get used to breathing again. My eyes are wide and my heart races, that is a feeling I never again want to experience.

My body lays on the ground as my rationality returns to me. I stabilize my breathing and move to a sitting position. I bow my head respectfully to Mr.Ivanov before I close my eyes. I feel around for the air molecules only to find them in the exact spots they were before Mr.Ivanov's final attack. I open my eyes again to find my instructor analyzing me, as he does every time I meditate.

"Вы дрались до последнего момента, молодец." He doesn't wait for a response before heading out of the arena.
[ T : You fought until the last moment, well done. ]

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