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Headmaster Jackson's POV

I see Rose enter the arena, looking around and observing her surroundings. Ah, a very perceptive student we have indeed. When she walks to the center of the stadium, I give her the basic instructions.

"Your placement test will begin with weaponry, then combat, each of your elements, then lastly, dragon taming." I tell her. I inform her that she must go to the weapons table and choose the ones on the table or she can use her own if she feels more comfortable. When I tell her that she will going against the top Level 2 swordsman, I hear the shocked responses of my students. Rose looks indifferent to the news, probably wondering why her test will be harder than everyone else's. Well, Star informed me that Oceanus, Ampiere, and Beau were unable to get into her mind. When I asked Star how this was possible, she told me that it has never happened before with an untrained mind. This shows that Rose is extremely capable and powerful.

"The targets will be moving in every direction of you, your job is to hit your targets with accuracy and precision. Don't be discouraged if you do not hit the targets, it will be difficult. The test begins in 20 seconds, good luck." I tell the girl. Rose looks almost offended when I told her that the test will be difficult and not to lose hope. She will have to throw the knives and shoot the arrows at longer distances than everyone else, all with moving targets. For Oliver and Andrea's tests, their targets were 8 meters, 14 meters, and 20 meters away, all moving targets as well. Every other 15 year old's test was 5 meters, 10 meters, then 15 meters, all targets either in motion or stationary.

My gaze piercing down at the young one before me. She closes her eyes as the time runs out. Her test has begun, and to my shock and everyone else's surprise, she throws each knife dead center of every target with her eyes closed. When the 15 meter targets began moving, with her eyes now open, she began moving gracefully, throwing the 12 knives perfectly. As the last round approached, she took off her shoes. I was confused by the action until Casey informed me that she would be feeling for vibrations in the ground, a common thing for nature wielders to do.

It's almost as if Rose is in her own world, she's only focused on her task at hand. When the 20 meter targets start in motion, she falls into a beautiful rhythm of movement. Feeling her surroundings, then throwing the knives with utmost practice. When she finishes, she looks toward me and I give her a nod of approval. She repeats the process with her arrows, as if it's second nature. Every target hitting a bullseye. She unsheathed her sword when I tell her to prepare for her fight.

"That is the finest sword I have ever seen..." Howard stutters out in awe. I must admit, I can't help but agree with him. The black obsidian color reflective of the suns rays, intricate designs on both side of the handle, it's artistry is flawless. I notice that there is an engraved quote along the spine too far away to read, as well as a smaller design on the sword's tip. It is truly beautiful, though I wonder how she acquired it.

Soon, Avery steps into the arena and exchanges a few words with Rose. She bows respectfully before getting into her stance, Avery follows in her footsteps. Before I can comprehend, she is moving her sword at a rapid pace with strength. She takes a jab to Avery's stronger side that ends up being a trap. Avery dodges her false jab leaving his weak side unguarded. She takes advantage of this opportunity and grazes his skin, faster than lightning.

She crouches into a low position and swipes her leg under his feet so that the Level 2 boy will lose his balance. Avery falls meanwhile Rose pops up and puts her sword to Avery's neck just as he lands on his back. The fight literally taking less than a minute long. When Avery asks her how she did that, she responded loud enough for all of us to hear, but not intentionally.

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