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Rose's POV

⚠️ Triggering scene in chapter ⚠️

It's been almost 2 weeks since the Chimera incident, and life has been a bit more hectic than usual. I am constantly getting more orders to make specialized weapons. Most of the time, people place these orders requesting for 'Wellington' to craft them.

I decided to use my last name in my 'signature' letter over my first name because no matter how much we like to deny it, the fact is that men will always be preferred over women. So, by only putting my last name, there is a higher chance of more personalized orders being made. I was caught up will all of the orders just a few days ago, but now I am slightly behind again. Also, I have been nursing the Chimeras back to health with help of my powder and making sure that they are well cared for.

I feed Caesar, Aurelius, and Cornelius after I complete a weapons order in the morning. Next I redress their wounds, like I do everyday before school starts. Then I feed them again during my lunch period, and spend at least an hour with them everyday after feeding them dinner. I still sleep in my dragons' stables three days out of the week.

I find myself singing more and more often, but only to my companions and the other creatures. During my free time, I am learning to fly the twins and practice stunts on them as I do with Belvedere. My training is still keeping me in great shape and I am continuously developing my abilities. During my classes and lunch, I catch up with my friends. We sometimes spend time together during the week, but mostly during the weekends. Belvedere and I always enjoy our time watching the sunset together as well.

Today I woke up with a weird feeling. This is definitely not a good feeling, it's like knowing something is going to happen, but not knowing what.

'Belvedere, Artemis, Apollo, be cautious today. I am getting slightly off put vibes and feel as if something bad is going to happen. Let the dragons in the stables know that I said to be weary of the events to come today.' I warn my dragons.

My gut feelings have never failed me before, so I am just ensuring that everyone close to me stays vigilant. I get ready for the day, put on all of my items, the ankle weights, my weapons, and walk out of my dorm barefoot.

Because it is early morning, I am going to complete two separate orders. One of them is twin daggers with personalized engravings on them, the other is a set of throwing stars. I get started on my two orders quickly by multitasking. I melt silver into twin dagger molds, while waiting for that to set, I make the specific mold design that the throwing stars were ordered to be made from.

I finish the detailing of the twin daggers quickly after it sets, my artistry never losing its touch. I then add my signature letter to the package and leave it in Mr.Gordon's office to oversee. I then complete the throwing stars set, the order requesting individual markings on the six crafts, but forming a unique symbol when connected together. This must have been one hefty order to place given the materials and necessities to craft it. I wrap the weapons in a package, adding in my signature note, and leave the shop after dropping the envelope in Mr.Gordon's office. I have been working so efficiently, I remember I have only one more order to complete before I am entirely caught up with the demand.

I head over to the sanctuary and prepare each of the Chimera's food bowls. I add in meat and vegetables with nutritional benefits to the bowls, attempting to convey their importance. I set the food bowls on a cart with medical supplies and make my way towards the somewhat isolated enclosure. I open the gate and wake up the three creatures by rubbing soothing circles on their backs.

The Chosen OneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon