F I F T Y - E I G H T

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Guys I have news: the next chapter is the last official chapter of DSOTM! I can't believe it's almost finished omggggg

I plan to write one epilogue, then possibly another, and then I'll get onto writing the prequel.


Also, I created a Ko-fi, which is basically a site where you can donate a few dollars to pay for me to get some coffee. You totally don't have to, but I thought I'd see if anyone wants to :) Link below and in my bio!


Also, this chapter is in Gray's POV, so I hope you enjoy the change. Sorry for the long ass authors note :)

Xx alexia

Grayson's POV

Hovering over my beautiful mate, her warm hazel eyes swirling with all of the pent up lust she can never quite make disappear, all I want to do is fuck her.

I want to strip her bare until she's completely ready for me, tease her into oblivion and have her practically melting for me, her inner thighs drenched without even entering her, and then I want to slam into her endlessly until she cums so many times that she can't see straight and is sore for days. She's innocent in her actions most of the times, but I know I can convert her into a nympho in no time.

The look she's giving me is so tempting, but I also know that I need to be gentle for her. This is her first time, and I don't want to overwhelm her with everything. 

It's a lot- I'm a lot.

I'm definitely larger than average, so I need to keep that in mind as I take her- but I'm definitely not waiting any longer.

Thea was right, my animal side is aching to touch her and claim her. I refuse to hold back any longer.

I can't control the low growl that I release, too caught up in the slice of skin in between her top and the jeans that make her ass look so fucking amazing. The most attractive thing about her, however, is her confidence. The way she asked for me to fuck her. I'm so fucking in love with her. It's about time I take what has always been mine.

I reach for her face, my large hands cupping her baby cheeks that I adore so much. I kiss her roughly, giving her a taste of what she has in store. The squirming of her delicate body below mine causes my cock to harden more than it ever has in the past. I groan, then move my hands down to the hem of her top. She eagerly helps me remove it and she's left in a see-through lace bra. In red, of all colors.

I can't hide my groan at the sight of my woman in fucking lingerie.

"When did you make this purchase," I ask in a low voice, my eyes never leaving her body. The way her nipples poke through the fabric, calling out for my mouth, is almost enough to make me lose control.

"I bought it a while ago with Cass and Cooper at the mall. They made me buy it," she says, a bit of her shyness creeping through.

"You are so beautiful," I reassure her, leaning down to kiss her again. My hands travel along the skin of her abdomen as I bite her lip. She gasps, and I lick her bottom lip once to soothe the ache, then travel down to her mark.

I suck on the soft skin of her neck with a ferocity I rarely display with her. I have the sudden urge to show the world that Thea is mine. The mark is a sign for other werewolves, but I don't need any fucking human boys trying to take what's mine.

I spread love bites all over her neck, so many that she'll probably scold me for it when she checks in the mirror. Right now though, she doesn't seem to be complaining. In fact, it's quite the opposite with the way her pelvis jerks forward every time I find a sensitive area. 

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