T H I R T Y - F O U R

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Next chapter! Make sure to follow me if you want updates on when I'll be posting and other info about DSOTM! We're almost at 10K and I'm so happy :)

Thea's POV

When Eli and Elle magically pop up in the middle of the room, my mind is spinning. I definitely wasn't expecting people to appear out of thin air in Grayson's bedroom. I guess a witch and a warlock are capable of creating portals. Check that box in supernatural abilities. 

I was angry that Eli showed up now after having ignored me all week. Knowing he was the cause, I would have hoped he would have said something- even if he was apologizing. 

Nothing. I got nothing from him. Then, he and his twin show up- and the first thing they do? They magic my best friend! Cooper was lying on the floor, asleep, before I could process anything. How dare he?!

After making sure that Cooper was okay, I began shoving Eli. I have no idea where that courage came from, but I kept hitting him and screaming at him, expelling all of my anger. Then, I'm flying. I've always wanted to fly, but when I'm floating because some witch is using her magic to keep me pinned to the wall because she's angry I'm attacking her brother? Not fun.

I'm not gonna lie- I was terrified. It only took a moment for my emotions to subside for me to realize that I was just attacking two very powerful supernatural creatures that could kill me in an instant. I promised myself that I wouldn't cry and I didn't. 

I think Grayson has been rubbing off on me because I remained confident in the face of fear.  While Elle was dispelling her anger on me, I didn't cry or become a blubbering mess like I would have a month ago.

Eli stopped her. He told me that he didn't want to hurt me but he was forced to. I'm definitely looking forward to questioning him, but first he has to remove this stupid anti-sleep spell. Just as Eli and Elle are about to fix me, the door literally flies off its hinges. Standing before us is Grayson, Axel, and the guards who were supposed to be guarding the door. Guess they're getting yelled at later.

Grayson's stormy eyes search the room until they land on me. Usually, the tension releases from his body when he sees me. This time, he seems to tense further. It makes sense- Eli and Elle have their hands on my shoulders. This does seem a bit deceiving, but he doesn't know that they're trying to help me.

Like any time Grayson becomes enraged, he growls loudly, causing the hairs to rise up on my arms. All I want to do is run over to him and hug him while calmly explaining the situation. When I move to do just that, the twins hold me back. 

"Guys, let me go to him. He doesn't understand-" 

"You're not going anywhere, cupcake," Elle scowls as she pulls me back into her and places her hand around my neck. It's not digging into me, but she could very easily kill me with her magic if she wants to. Elle holds up her palm facing Grayson, dispelling the blue-hued magic. "Stay back, Wolfie."

Grayson growls but stays back, afraid for my safety. I can see Axel's eyes shifting colors as his canines descend and his claws come out. He obviously isn't too happy about Cooper who is still sprawled out on the floor. Axel loses his cool and shifts into his wolf in front of my eyes, his clothes shredding to pieces. His golden brown wolf growls ferociosuly and runs over to our side of the room where Cooper lies. 

"Defensionis!" Elle screams suddenly, and a blue holographic shield appears in front of Cooper. Elle, Eli, and myself. Axel's wolf rams right into the wall and bounces off of it. He whines slightly as his body is flung into the opposite wall. I think the shield burns whoever steps into it because I see some steam coming off of Axel's golden coat. I'm worried for 2.5 seconds before I see him stand up again and growl loudly at Elle for keeping him from his mate.

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