T W E N T Y - S I X

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Thea's POV

After I had that awful nightmare about Grayson, I couldn't stop crying. The dream made me realize how important Grayson is to me and how devastated I would be if he died. As a split-second decision, I climb out of bed- still wearing pajamas- and grab my mom's car keys. She doesn't have work tomorrow anyways, and I need to go see Grayson. I don't even care that I have to go to the pack house to see him. I just have to see him- and now before I die from this awful pain in my heart.

I click on the address Cooper sent me the other day and it automatically plugs the information into the GPS. About 20 minutes later I'm driving out of a canopy of trees and towards the mansion. I had been here once before, but I wasn't in my right mind then. Not like I'm in my right mind now.

I turn off the ignition and begin running towards the front door. I don't know who will answer the door, especially at this time of night, but I'll sleep outside until someone wakes to let me in. I couldn't just sit in bed and do nothing, especially with the image of a dead Grayson replaying over and over in my mind. He was so bloody, and his beautiful gray eyes were lifeless as they stared at the ceiling. I need to see him to prove that it really was a dream.

Hopefully he doesn't think I'm creepy for driving to his house in the middle of the night. It also probably wasn't the safest thing to do, with me being unable to see clearly from my cloudy vision from the constant tears leaking from my eyes. Even now the tears won't let up. 

I knock on the door and wait. After hearing no movement from inside, I knock once more. I wait, becoming more and more defeated by the second. Everyone must be asleep. Screw super hearing...

In a last ditch effort, I knock a final time. This time I hear footsteps nearing the door. I hope the werewolf who answers will let me in... And won't hurt me... Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

The door opens abruptly to an angry Grayson. My grumpy Grayson. He looks as if he's going to scream at me, but once his eyes lay on my shivering and sobbing form, his accusing eyes turn soft. His head turns to the side, a bit like how a puppy turns its head when confused. His actions brighten my mood a bit. Just seeing him alive and in front of me is enough.

In the blink of an eye I am in Grayson's arms, him hugging me close to him and lifting me so my feet aren't touching the ground anymore. His head instantly finds the crook of my neck and he sniffs me, which I would normally find strange and think about the last time I showered, but now I'm only focused on hugging Grayson back. 

I sob into his chest, letting my tears of relief wet his naked chest. My breathing is fast and shallow as I try to gather the energy to speak. "I-I'm s-s-sorry," I whisper to him, pouring all of my emotions into my apology. I am truly sorry that I ignored and avoided him only because he is a werewolf. He can't help the way he was born just like I can't.

"Shhh," Grayson coos, rubbing his hand over my hair in a soothing way. He closes and locks the front door with one hand, all while holding me. He hikes me up higher, his arm now holding my butt up as my legs naturally wrap around his waist. He climbs the stairs with ease, never taking his hands off of me. We finally reach what I assume is his room as he sits down in a comfortable looking bed. The room is neat, with greens and browns decorating the space. It's not exactly what I pictured his room to look like, but I'm not judging.

We just sit there holding each other for what feels like an eternity. The silence isn't awkward or uncomfortable. It feels like everything has fallen back into place. I feel complete again.My tears died down long ago, and after the silence lasts a bit longer, Grayson is the first to break it.

"I'm sorry, Thea."

He's sorry? Why is he sorry?

"You have nothing to apologize for, Grayson. I'm the one who's sorry. I judged you too quickly, and I'll never be able to forgive myself for that. I wouldn't forgive me if I were you..."

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