Chapter 59

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A/N you're welcome to stop reading or to skim it at any point, but it's not graphic or anything

"Oh, god," Dean mutters as he falls back into the bed. "I'm never telling anyone to swallow ever again." He pities anyone who’s ever given him a blowjob now because swallowing come is disgusting.

Castiel, who's sprawled out next to him with nothing but a tee shirt on, stifles a laugh. "This was your idea."

"And other than the swallowing, it was a damn good one," Dean says. "That was…" He chuckles. "That was much more satisfying than watching your movie." He realizes belatedly that bringing up Karla probably isn't a good idea, but Castiel doesn't seem phased.

"I'm glad," Castiel says. "But, um…" He brushes a hand over the bulge in his jeans, and Dean shivers. "I don't think you're done here."

"No, I'm not," Dean agrees. "What do you say we flip the script? But…" He thumbs at Castiel's hip bone. "Without putting more clothes on."

Castiel shakes his head, but the smile on his face is enough for Dean to know that he's at least enjoyed everything that's already happened. "Dean, I have not given a blowjob since I was 16."

"I'd never given one until now, so I don't think experience is necessary," Dean says. "Although I have to admit, I am very surprised to hear that you were blowing guys in high school."

Castiel chuckles. "You would have been surprised by just about everything about high school me."

"Mm, I think I like where this is going," Dean says. "I wanna hear more about high school you."

"Maybe another day," Castiel says.

Dean sighs dramatically. "Okay, fine, I guess —"

Knock, knock, knock.

"You guys alive in there?" Jo calls through the (fortunately now locked) door. "It's been, like, five minutes."

Dean spits out the first lie he can think of. "Yeah, I'm just showing him a YouTube video."

"Alright, well, hurry up," she says. "It's not Christmas Eve without the whole family."

"Yep, it's, um…" Dean glances at Castiel, who seems just as freaked out by this as he is. "It's almost over. Be out in a minute."


Dean holds his breath until her footsteps are too far away to hear anymore, then lets out a relieved sigh. "God, that would have been…"

"Yeah, really," Castiel agrees. He sits up so Dean follows suit, not-so-subtly catching a peek down at Castiel's dick as he does it. "Was this a bad idea?"

Dean does his best to stay composed, but internally, he's kind of freaking out. He thought that was good. Hell, he thought that was great. That was some damn good not-sex, and he'd thought Castiel felt the same way. Was he wrong? Is he not as good at sucking guys off as he'd hoped he was? He may not have a lot of experience, but he's been sucked off enough that he thought he knew what he was doing.

But then Castiel adds, "I mean, Jo wouldn't be happy if she found out," which makes Dean feel a little better. So it wasn't about him after all. That's a good sign, right?

"Then she doesn't have to find out," Dean says. "I mean, I love her to death. I wouldn't tell her something that was just going to hurt her, and I hope you wouldn't, either."

"No, I know," Castiel says. "I just… I feel kinda bad. I hadn't thought about how it'd affect Jo if we…" He trails off, and Dean can't but wonder if that means he'd thought of doing this before today or if he's just looking too much into things. It would be really interesting to hear that he’d wanted to do this even before Dean’s bisexual awakening.

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