Chatpter 51

915 52 46

A/N Chapter break and perspective swap brought to you by the fact that I've written so many Phineas and Ferb one-shots lately that I apparently forgot how to write chapter-size chapters

"While we're on the topic of being open about things," Dean says, changing the subject because why the hell not, "can I ask what you were doing before I came in here to bother you?"

Castiel visibly tenses, his grip on his phone tightening. "Nothing."

Dean cocks his head to the side. "Okay..." Weird reaction for someone who wasn't secretly watching hentai. "I just saw google docs and I figured I'd ask if it was something fun."

Castiel stares at him. "You recognized google docs from 20 feet away."

"I would recognize google docs anywhere," Dean says. He uses it far too often to keep track of random things because he absolutely despises the Notes app for no other reason than it's a celebrity go-to for apologies. He needs somewhere to keep track of jokes or entertaining stories he could tell in an interview, and google docs works well for that. He got this gig purely because he sucks at drunk karaoke; it's essentially a given that he's supposed to be funny, and sometimes that takes a little preplanning.

Castiel apparently has another take on it, because he says, "I guess that makes sense. You probably write song lyrics there or something, right?"

Dean hesitates. He would feel bad lying right after such a vulnerable moment with him, but at the same time, is it really worth mentioning that he doesn't actually write the lyrics to his own songs? Of course, he doesn't necessarily have to lie; he can just strategically avoid telling the truth, which is what he does. "It's where I write a lot of stuff I think of while I'm out."

"Cool," Castiel says.

"So, what, you writing a book or something?" Dean asks. He'd definitely give it a read if that is the case. He'd honestly be interested in anything that comes out of Castiel's brain, especially after this conversation (but totally not because he's feeling exceptionally bisexual right now) (okay, maybe that is why).

Castiel shakes his head. "No, I'm not creative enough to write a novel and I'm not interesting enough to write an autobiography so that's not gonna happen."

"Well, you gotta be writing something," Dean says.

Castiel grips his phone ever tighter, like a weird protective stance. "Just, you know, shitposting to myself."

Dean just raises an eyebrow. He's not going to ask again because he doesn't want to make the guy uncomfortable (he apparently fucked up enough when he kept asking about Jo, but at least he can pin that on trying to be a good wingman) and he doesn't want to pull something like that again by accident. Still, he absolutely does not believe a word Castiel just said, and he wants to make it known. If Castiel decides he wants to explain, it will be entirely his choice (with a little help from The Eyebrow Of Skepticism™, of course).

And apparently it works, because Castiel sighs. "Just a poem -- which I'm only saying because I don't want you thinking it's something more embarrassing."

"A poem?" Dean repeats, an idea forming in his mind.

Castiel just nods.

"Do you write a lot of them?"

Castiel cocks his head to the side. 'I don't know. I write some but it's not like I have a thousand of them tucked away somewhere or whatever."

"Do they rhyme?" Dean asks.

Castiel stares at him.

"I know, I know, it's a weird question," Dean says. "I'm just... thinking."

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