Chapter 37

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It's Halloween, and, usually, that means one thing -- a party with the Novaks and Harvelles. Unfortunately, he can't swing that the way he would have before the breakup. He can't take Jo down to South Dakota to hang out with his family, and she can't bring her family along with her. It looks like that type of celebration has officially reached its end.

That doesn't stop Dean from spending the evening with his family, though. They don't go to Sioux Falls, though. Sam still has school in the morning, and Jess has the midday shift at the hospital, which leaves very little time for them to travel the country.

Instead, Sam and Jess invite Dean and his father to Palo Alto to hang out after Jess comes back from work. She had apparently found out that a local bar is having a Halloween party, and while John may think he's too old for that and turned the offer down, Dean obviously can't say no. He gets to hang out with his brother and he gets some beer. What could be better?

Dean shows up at Sam and Jess's apartment in his Halloween costume -- a very impressive cosplay of Red Hood, via his friend Stef, who specializes in costume-making for various shows. She's usually his go-to every October, and she never disappoints.

It's Jess that opens the door, and she seems to find this costume hilarious. "God, you really are the fun Winchester, huh?"

Dean shrugs. "That's what I've been saying for years, and yet you chose Sam instead."

Jess steps out of the way. "Well, come on in, Jason. Your brother's just being a stubborn pain in the ass, but I'm sure you can talk some sense into him."

Dean steps inside and looks around. The place hasn't changed much in the few years that Sam and Jess have lived here. He doesn't visit very often, but he likes to check the place out on the rare occasion he gets the chance. It gives him a nice insight into what Sam's life is like where no one but his girlfriend is around. As always, the place is pretty nicely organized, proving once again that Sam and Jess are too neat for their own good.

Dean eyes Jess's Mario costume. It's honestly better than his Red Hood -- sure, he has a state-of-the-art Red Hood mask, but Jess has a giant felt mustache. It doesn't get much better than that.

"Now, I have to ask," Dean says. "Is this a matching costume?"

"Of course," she says with a grin.

"Oh, goodie!" Dean claps his hands excitedly. "I hope Sam's dressing like Princess Peach!"

"I heard that!" Sam yells from somewhere that Dean can't quite place, though he'd assume it's either the bathroom or the bedroom.

Jess just shakes her head, amused. "Sam, if you want to tell him off, you're gonna have to come out in person to do it!"

Sam groans. "But I look like an idiot."

"Don't worry 'bout that," Dean says. "I promise, I will act like enough of an idiot tonight that no one's even gonna notice your pretty little Princess Peach costume."

"Fuck off!"

"Ah, you love me!" Dean says. Directing his attention to Jess now that he's done teasing his brother -- for now -- he asks, "What's he even complaining about? If it's anything like your costume, it's fine."

"He's complaining about the same thing he always complains about," Jess says. "That it's Halloween and he hates Halloween."

"Ah, right, that would do it," Dean says. "Well, come on, Sammy! If you don't want to come, I'll take Jess as my date instead."

"Don't you dare!"

"Then hurry up, would ya?" Dean asks. "I'd like to get to the bar before last call."

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