Grounded in Kyoto

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Akane's pov

"Guysss come on don't die on me so quickly"
I pouted while splitting the ground and threw flaming sticks that pierced through rocks and trees

"DID OUR TIME YESTERDAY MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU, YOU DEMON?!??" Nobara yelled while blocking them with her hammer

"Well thats was yesterday, and today is today" I cheered as I shooed away Megumi's shadows with a flick of my hand

"You sure are in higher...SPIRITS!!" Megumi yelled aiming for a kick, I dodged before grabbing him by the his ankle

The look in his face says it all, as this has happened 5 times in the span of an hour. I spun him, then threw him over to Nobara, knocking them both out

"Boo it's only been a couple hours, where's the flaming boulder?" Maki complained at the side with Panda and Toge beside her

"To be fair they were specific on how long they want this exercise, using boulders would take much more time" she whipped her head over to the two who seem to be grinning from afar

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder coming from toge and he was...making gestures...that I can't really understand and it doesn't help all he can say is 'konbu' and 'mentaiko'

"Oh right, Akane-chan Toge liked that sorbet you made. He wanted some more" Panda added in making him nod

"Tuna mayo"

"Is mango ok?" he nodded so I just went in, grab a lunch box filled with it and gave it.
His eyes was brimming with happiness when I gave the box, he was practically slapping my shoulder out of happiness I think

"Oii Panda, Toge, Akane let's go" Maki called out, while dragging the two by their arms who had bumps on their heads

"Oh this time I can't go"

"Bonito flakes?" I showed them a letter that got tied on a brick that was thrown in my room at night

By of course

Who else

The man of the hour

"Is the blindfolded dumbass insane...?" Maki rubbing her temples

Because apparently there was a case of a special grade curse in form of a flower dragon that basically destroyed the Kyoto Principal's house and they're blaming

But the problem is yesterday...I was sweating through my eyes...also I was in Tokyo...

Pft....ok no... I shouldn't be laughing....this is serious seriously serious that I can't believe they got smite bu the heavens


"Fire snake-dragon??"


"Anyways I'm being stuck at Kyoto, because I'm now a threat to them" I sighed so what like 1 and half more weeks until I meet these idiots again? I snapped my fingers to put a barrier for my dorm

"Can you even do these things?" Panda asked rubbing his...nose? Snout?

"My teacher could, I wish I can do it" I huffed as Megumi and Nobara realized this was caused by a dead man they let out a long sigh
"Thank god you go here...."


"Nothing nothing" they mumbled

"Hahh...they really do love harassing us huh..." Panda huffed while shaking his head

"Oh don't worry~ I'll be back before you know it, the white haired beanstalk should be arriving so-"


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