Let me Dream

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Akane's pov

"-OH I KNOW, when you were 10 you got food poisoning because you tried cookin-"

"Ok ok that's enough..."

"Shit really? You're already convinced I'm not Sukuna? Ehh oh I like eating people, and fuck gender I'll go for any hole"

"...that's quite an impression but I doubt the guy knew I tried actually eating stone soup"

"That's because I'm an outstanding doctor~ and don't worry so much, do you see even as inch of blood or skull in this place?"

Well...he isn't wrong

This place apparently is 'his heaven' whatever the fuck that means, but none of us seem to have our curses
I would know considering both of us look very much human with no extra limbs or tattooes


"That's because this is me we're talking about, does that mean you're done screaming...?" The old man asked peaking down while I was still face-planted on the soil to breath in dirt
I'm experiencing a lot of confusing emotions that I'm unsure how to handle so I've just been laying down for what feels like an hour

"I still have a lot of screams I want to let out... but I don't want to spoil it what little time I have with tranquility "

"Ahh right, you did everything I told you shouldn't in the span of a week or so"

"Oh fuck off, you should know it's hard to not be involved with the elders when the guy you dumped me to literally works for them..."

"Yeahh, I didn't really expect him to get you in the school, but at least he hates them as much as I do~"

He laughs and I really just want to snap his neck
I don't really know what to say or do to a guy who just disappeared from my life months back only to just...pop up out of no where and is sort of, kind of the reason I'm in this mess

Though I was the one who got swayed by that beanstalk's offer for free rent, food, and money bUT THIS OLD SHIT STILL NEEDS TO AT LEAST GET A BROKEN ARM

"Oi brat what's with that scary look" I took a breath and got up glaring at him

"...say can I break your leg?"

"What? Fuck n-" he got cut off by me sucker punching his nose and kicking his crotch


I took a seat on this lovely porch he has in the middle of nowhere while he was writhing in pain
This really is a paradise I wish I never woke up

"You....you fuckin' arsehole..."

"You're a part of the reason I'm in this mess and looking like an angsty emo clown with black eyes" he groaned getting himself back up while moving few inches away from me

"Oi watch it! I used to look like that too"

"Yes exactly my point, at the very least you can cover it up. I don't think I can even do that anymore..." I sighed rubbing my temples feeling a mild migraine coming up
"As much as I love pissing people off I don't have anything 'normal' going on and this boring flesh of a body is the only normal thing I have left..."

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