A New Era

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3rd pov

As Ieri had gotten Kugisaki from Nitta, she sighs lounging outside the clinic with a smoke in hand

"They're all falling out like flies huh? I just got word Todo and Yuji were fighting the patchwork" she says looking over to the dejected principle


"Are you gonna be okay?"

"This really is a mess isn't it? A big one that even Satoru couldn't handle..."

"Well he should be able to free himself soon enough, and didn't he say we got one advantage?"

"As you know, that advantage erased herself before the higher ups can even comprehend that she lived" He groaned rubbing his temples at his rouge 'student' who at this point isn't sure if she's actually dead or not

"Yeahhh...but isn't weird how only Naobito knows about what happened? I thought she hated the family"

"What are you suggesting?" He asks as she puffs out a smoke

"Naobito was found coming out of Tengen's place right? Maybe he had something to do with h-..." she trails off seeing a lily suddenly popping up from the ground

The two of them felt an ominous sensation from that single flower and as the nearest cursed corpses ran to attack it, it got burned to a crisp before turning to flowers as well

More corpses attacked but the same happened to them as well

"Principal, shouldn't we call someone?"

"...I'll check on it" he hops down to the flower she could argue

He made sure to tone down his curse and calmly approached the first flower that bloomed only to see a dark puddle bubbling from below
As he peers down only to see a red glow that made him jump back to where he was

"Shoko, activate you reverse technique. Now." She complied as hand forced it's way out of the now surrounding the whole place with flowers

"Tengen that fucking crab faced asshole" a slur of curses came out from that puddle as a girl dragged herself out
"He didn't tell me I had to fucking swim in to het back up" she huffed making the two freeze and became extremely confused hearing her words

She looks around before catching a glimpse of the two then disappearing from their sight and reappearing inside the clinic where she looked down at the dying lot

"Akan-" he got cut off by flowers growing under him giving him cold feet

"Ahh shut it, that name belongs to my body, not me"

"Are you...not her?"

"I just look like that body, I don't really have a name" she shrugs before planting a flower on both Megumi and Nobara's chest only to have Megumi's wither
"Hmm? So Sukuna's dealt with him huh? Well best of luck go you girlie"

"I thought...you don't resurrect people...?" Ieri asked making her tilt her head

"What makes you think this is a resurrection?" she scoffs and disappears once more before reappearing on the roof, cursing at the big mess in front of her

Seeing afar the mess in Shibuya, and her target now present himself to the world putting a Cheshire grin on her face

"WAIT WH-" Masamichi gets cut off by having flowers popping in his neck

"You guys are so loud" she says before and hops falls back into a puddle
Ieri immediately went to Masamichi to help rip out those flowers and healed his hollow neck with shaky hands

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