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A FUN PART OF GETTING DISOWNED was looking through old stuff. Lyra found things she hadn't even touched in years, and even stuff she didn't remember having. The biggest example was a necklace with three beads, a small pink bead and two big black ones. For some reason, Ginny was determined that she used to wear it up until third year.

   "I seriously don't remember ever having this," Lyra insisted, examining it again.

"I'm telling you, you wore this as some charm."

     "What do you mean?"

"Don't you remember? You were quite odd in our first two years, I think that's why McDean started gossiping about you. You were like Trelawney but worse in a way."

     "That's weird, I don't remember doing that." Ginny looked at her oddly. She wasn't able to say something when Luna came skipping toward them.

"Hi Luna!" Both said simultaneously.

     "Hello, where are you heading?" Lyra had been so busy with thinking about what Ginny told her that she forgot where they were going.

"We're looking for Natalie, she promised to help us with Muggle Studies and Arithmancy." Oh yeah. "Have you seen her?" Ginny asked Luna.

     Luna shook her head, "No, maybe she's with her boyfriend."

"Her WHAT!" Ginny exclaimed.

    "Yes, I saw them kissing before he went to make his O.W.L," Luna explained. Ginny and Lyra stared at each other, both thinking the same thing. Natalie had to explain this to them, and very fast.

They ran off, Luna following them. Natalie said she'd be at the library, so that's where they were going. On their way there, they passed a classroom and heard somebody yelling.

     "It's Harry," said Ginny, and stopped walking.

"Are you sure?" asked Lyra.

     The person started yelling again. "WELL, I EXPECT HE'D SAY SOMETHING IF HE KNEW WHAT I'D JUST —"

He stopped when Ginny opened the door. "Hi. We recognized Harry's voice — what are you yelling about?"

"Never you mind," Harry snapped roughly.

Ginny raised her eyebrows. "There's no need to take that tone with me. I was only wondering whether I could help."

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