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CHAPTER FORTY-EIGHT━━ Kit Mulciber is (not) an asshole


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RESTARTING DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY had been a very good idea. Not only did they have more support than the first time around, even the teachers were aware and didn't interfere. The downside of this, however, was that Snape knew exactly what they were doing and Lyra was called to the Headmaster's office.

Lyra already knew how to get it, she knew the password and that Carrow would let her pass. It's surprising what merely three months of misbehaving can do. Without announcing herself, she stepped inside.

"Before you're asking, no, did not restart the ar. ." Lyra trailed off, staring at the two familiar people talking. At one side was Severus who, as usual was dressed in all black robes with a stoic expression dancing on his face. The other person was her aunt, not the lovely Andromeda but her other aunt, sadistic Death Eater and ex convict Bellatrix Lestrange.

     Bellatrix's eyes darted to Lyra like an owl finding a rodent in a field. "The Dark Lord did not tell you to allow traitors inside," she said to Severus. She knows? Lyra's heart beat rapidly as her hands became clammier.

"She is pureblood," he reasoned.

       "Disowned," she corrected, "for associating with the wrong kind." Does she think that's why I got disowned? The Malfoy's lied? "Even they cannot escape a lost cause. But you know how traitors always end up, dearie."

Dead, Lyra answered in her head.

Lyra knew that with lost cause Bellatrix meant those who didn't follow Pureblood traditions, like Sirius who she killed. "You killed him," Lyra reminded her, clenching her first.

Bellatrix let out a loud cackle. "So you can speak? You are more a Malfoy than a Black, I see. . . You even have Lucius his puppy eyes when you're frightened." The whole time, she kept intense eye contact with her, as though she tried getting inside her.

"Scared is not exactly what I am," Lyra bit back. Attitude, she heard Severus voice scold in her head.

"Lyra, you should go" Severus started, and his face changed when Bellatrix interjected.

     "Gryffindor through and through. I wonder who is taking care of you." Lyra's heart started beating rapidly. Is she a Legilimens? Was that the reason it felt as though she tried reading her mind?

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