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CHAPTER ELEVEN ━━ Malfoy-Black and Gillyweed

▎AMOUR  ▎CHAPTER ELEVEN ━━ Malfoy-Black and Gillyweed

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i'm editing my story so yuh

FEBRUARY ROLLED AROUND RATHER QUICKLY and the second task of the Triwizard tournament was just one day away. For days, Lyra tried to figure out what to do with Coal until she realised she could use Athena to send him food. It was struggling the first time, although it went well after that. Lyra also tried being nice to her brother, which, without a doubt made him extremely suspicious. It was apart of her plan that he'll confide to her. She had become closer to finding out who the people were in the letters. The she her father kept mentioning turned out to be her. That surprised Lyra, she thought her father didn't have the slightest care for her.

The library wasn't that crowded today, which seemed to please Madam Pince, the Hogwarts librarian. Lyra was looking at some old documents her mother sent her. She knew Narcissa was doubtful about it, in spite of that Lyra didn't respond when she asked why she wanted them. One of the documents was packed in a big black package with the family crest sealing it. Lyra opened it, revealing it to be documents on old family members. Two names stood out to her, one of them being Abraxas Malfoy, her grandfather.

Nobby Leach:

First Muggle Born Minister of Magic

Cause of Death: poisoning

"What is this?" Lyra questioned. She read the plan her grandfather had crafted to get the Minister out of office. Lyra went through her grandfathers files. "The Dark Lord. . .July 30th. . .training Lucius. . ." It were all scripts proving her family were death eaters. Why would mum give me this? Taking some papers out of it, she closed her grandfather's map and scanned the names on the package. "Armand Malfoy. . . Lucius Malfoy the first. . . Septimus Malfoy. . .Castor Malfoy married to Freya Lovegood?" Luna and I are cousins? Wait, how is that possible?

She wrote the name down on a piece of parchment, reminding herself to tell Luna about it. She read through her father's files which mysteriously left a lot out when she got interrupted by a voice. "Hello, little Malfoy," they spoke.

Lyra glanced up to the twins. "George, I told you to stop calling me that."

     "I'm Fred," said Fred.

"I'm sorry," she apologised.

     "Anyway, have you seen Ron and Hermione?" asked George.

"No, why?" They explained that McGonagall had been asking for them. "I don't know, I think they're here, could be helping Harry with the second task."

AMOUR. Ginny W. ¹Where stories live. Discover now