~Chapter 17~

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Waking up from my long nap, I felt a huge warm body besides me...Umm, is it Dami? But why would he still be here.

A huge smile takes over my Face as I realised that he didn't leave me.

Unconsciously I Snuggle into him for a few more minutes, as I couldn't help but think of how amazing Dami is for being there with me this whole time.

H-He didn't leave me.

Slowly opening my eyes, I look down only to see that I'm literally trapped in his arms and a small blush creeps up my neck.

Carefully getting out of Dami's grasp as placing my feet on my soft carpet as an evil thought crosses my mind.

Quickly running to my cupboard, I remove my favourite Mr bunny and gently place Mr bunny in Dami's arms instead of me.

Aww, they looked so cute together!!

But Just as I was about I leave the room, I felt myself pulled backwards and straight into Dami's chest.

" Where did you think you were going without me?", He asked chuckling as I was blushing deeply.

"Um.. I-I..... I-I w-was–––"

"It's okay sunshine, I'm just playing with you", he said snuggling into my neck as I giggled softly as the ticklish feeling.

" You have a Cute room but not as cute than you, I must say", he said rubbing small circles on my back.

Fairy dust! I forgot to remove all my embarrassing childhood photos from my wall.

I blushed more as I snuggled more into his neck to hide my burning red face.

" So what do you want to do now? We still have three hours left before your dad arrives", he said yawning at the end.

" Food?",I muttered softly, to be honest I was really feeling very hungry.

"Okay, I'll make something to eat.", he said as he slowly started getting up.

"Umm... what are we making?" , I ask Dami nervously once we reach the kitchen.

"Let's see, do you want anything in particular?", He asked checking out various cupboards to see why exactly everything is.

" Um....can you make.... some hot chocolate??, I asked shyly, not wanting to overburden him because of me.

"Hot chocolate it is then", he said as he put the milk to boil on the stove.

I happily take a seat on the aisle facing him and honestly I couldn't take my eyes off Dami, he looked really cute cooking.

"Hey sunshine, can you please see the milk till I come back, I can't find the marshmallows and spices. I'll just check the pantry and be right back",  he said looking at me.

"O-Okay", I replied nervously.

"I be right back just don't let the milk come up the pot", he said before quickly leaving.

Nodding in agreement, I stand up from the stool as I walk to the stove and stare at the boiling milk.

I have seen Momma boil milk before so it can't be that hard, right?

And Dami also said I just have to not allow the milk to come out of the pot.

Now that's easy!

After a few seconds, I see the milk slowly coming up.

Hmm, what should I do now?!

I try to blow with all my strength on the milk, so it goes down but it was just not working!!!!!

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