~Chapter 8~

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[ A/N: Extra Long Chapter! Enjoy:) ]

--Suprise Pov--

Break isn't yet over and here I'm forced to do this sane work every Monday morning. I can't help but think what I was thinking while submitting my resume two months ago for the Gym teacher.

I make my way towards the storeroom to get the new equipments ordered for the new academic year.

Not being able to dig into my favourite chicken mayo sandwich and being forced to check the packages made my already irritable mood since morning more sour.

The principal rambled something along the lines of how this was more urgent than my sandwich because of the mess and damage created by the seniors last year.

The pranks were so bad that poor Frank couldn't wait for the year to end to submit his resignation and here I am here to fills his shoes right in the between.

Like hell I allow these brats to destroy the equipments. Who could have thought that being a gym teacher isn't about barking orders and instructions on these wild children but being forced to leave the chair, always on your toes guarded for the unexpected nuisance they always have to engage in.

And honestly who even steals sports equipments, that too the schools. You'd get better equipments in a junk store then here.

No wonder they invented schools to tame these creatures.

I huff silently making my way towards the other wing of the school, passing students who are more interested in eating faces then food.

And when it comes to gym they suddenly transform into liveless zombies.

Wait till they see my cruel gym project, I'm surely going to enjoy making them beg for the marks that if failed they may have to repeat the semester again.

I laughed at my stupid thought as I walk through the crowded hallway. The children here are terrible more like terrible rebels.

And what makes me hate this job more is that they had to have the gym lecture scheduled just after lunch!

Which nutcase designed the timetable, who in their sane mind wants to go to the gym after filling your stomachs or in their case their hormones.

Why can't they let me rest a little before I have the displeasure to visit the zoo again but No!

I'm just about to reach the storeroom when a soft whimpering sound coming from near by brings me out of my thoughts.

I stand still, this part of the school is specifically only for staff so where is this sound coming from. Last time I checked this is a high school and not a nursery designed for babies.

If this is a prank, they better get ready to slog for hours in detention after school, like hell I'll give them something even near passing marks after this.

I can't help my curiosity get the best out of me as the little whimpers turn into small sobs.

Leaving my task of checking the equipments, I follow the voice to reach the source of the noise.I was very confused when instead of getting silent with my harsh footsteps they get louder with each second.

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