~Chapter 27~

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Before I could even grasp what just happened, my parents were here.

If I thought today was a bad day, I was clearly wrong, cause.... The worst just started.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED AGAIN AURORA...baby" My mom yelled as she entered the room but suddenly changed her tone as she noticed Lucas.

Okay, so until Dimples is here. I guess I'm safe.

"Oh, Lucas, your here too...Thank you so much for taking care of our daughter", she said sweetly, as my Dada gave me a disappointed look.

My heart breaks as I see my Dad staring at me with a sad and disappointed look in his eyes.

Honestly, I didn't care if my mom was disappointed or angry with me, but I couldn't bear my dad being sad because of me.

I have never seen my Dad look so broken....so lost before.

But then I realized...I realized the real reason, Dad look so dull, so lifeless as if he lost hope, was all because.....I broke his trust.

Dad trusted me to be a good girl, and I as usual failed him.

Dad always cared for me, even when mom didn't. Always tried to make me feel special like a little princess.....I still remember on my 16th birthday when I told dad that, my only dream and wish was to make a few friends and experience whatever teens my age do....my dad then made it his personal mission to convince my mom to finally send me to school.

It took a year full of convincing, but my Dad did everything so I could go to school today.

It's almost felt like this is all a bad dream, cause I have never seen my Dad without a smile plastered on his face.

I still remember, As a little rebel I was when I was young, one day I decided to stay awake till late night just so I could then quietly sneak around the house with my stuffy, trying to find something adventurous.

Personally, that time, I thought it sounded cool. Marching during the late night, to fight evil monster or anything exciting apart from my same old toys but now thinking about it, I sure was dumb.

Maybe I'm still, but hey that's not the point.

The point is, that day, I found dad crying alone in the living room.

That day, I made Dad promise me to never cry again, or I would cry too.

That day, Dad promised me to always keep smiling, just so I would be happy. Even if it meant he would have to fake his smile just to make me happy.... and for the past 10 years Dad kept his promise, He fulfilled his promise......until now.

I broke their trust.... I got into trouble. It's all my fault, now I have to face the stupid consequences.

I kind of feel like it's good that this happened to me, cause end of the day.... I didn't deserve it.

I don't deserve anything.

I'm glad I got a small chance to experience everything, but I don't think I can do it anymore.

It's kind of hard to think of a life without Dami and Dimples but they is nothing I can do now.

Mom will surely lock me in the house after this, forget of going to school when I won't be able to go outside too.

And to make it more worst, I have already messed everything up it with Dami too, I hope atleast I leave Dimples on a good note.

I couldn't grasp whatever my parents were saying, all I cared about was Dami.

What happened to him, I thought everything was going perfect...why did he suddenly walk out.

Did I upset him in any way?

I truly hope I atleast get a chance to clear all the misunderstanding with Dami too, so we too can leave on a good note.

Before I could say anything, Lucas understood what I wanted.

"Don't worry about it, I'll go talk to him", he promised, before he quickly left in search of Dami.
Thankfully after a few minutes, Dami was back but this time he sat next to me instead of Lucas.

I wonder what they spoke about.

Not caring much about what my parents were arguing among themselves, I quickly hold his hand....tight as if I were scared he would leave again.

"Why did you leave me?", I asked  softly as tears filled my eyes.

"I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean to upset you if I did", I said my voice cracking in the end.

God, I'm so pathetic!

Why am I such a crybaby....I just hate myself sometimes.

"Hey Sunshine, baby relax, it was not your fault. I let my stupid emotions get into my head. I promised you that I would never leave you.... and I-I broke it. I'm sorry Sunshine—"

"WHY IS HE HERE!?", My Dad's angry voice, interrupted our conversation.

Forky, I forgot Dad said to stay away from Dami.

Dad wasn't suppose to know that I still talk to him....
I look up only to see Dad glaring directly at Dami.

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