Troubled waters

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She spent the night working on her design assignment. She had to research about a form of art and write about it, her extension task was to provide an example of the chosen art. Since she was all about fashion her teacher knew she would end up choosing clothes, that's why she gave her some fabrics to work with. Ellie had finally decided on showing the different modern day styles after a long thinking session; she chose to research grunge, indie, cottage core and street wear. She worked hard on some of the written aspects all night, it was 7pm and she knew her dad would be home soon so she packed up her work and cleaned the house for him.
He arrived back home at around 7:30pm, "smelly! What you upto?" He shouted into the kitchen as he closed the door, she smiled at him hiding her emotions, "finishing up cooking, you want any sauce?" She enquired. Hank walked over to her fairly impressed with her food, "mmm smells nice, I'll have ketchup please" he said while sitting down at the table. Ellie grabbed the ketchup out of the cupboard and placed it on the table along with the food, she made him potato slices and spicy Chicken pieces. They both devoured the food and sat down to watch a film, once the film had finished Hank was pretty tired since his day was busy so he went to bed, Ellie went to her room too but she wasn't quite tired yet so she stayed up a little longer. She placed her phone on charge but as she went to set it down on the beside table, it pinged,
*1 message from unknown number*
Slightly scared she unplugged her phone and opened the message:
Unknown number: "you're so pathetic, you're worthless."
Her heart sunk to the floor, she had dealt with mild bullying throughout her school life but she had never experienced anything like this before. She was hesitant to reply but she plucked up enough courage and finally text back:
Ellie Voight: "I don't know who you are or what you want, but say what you like. Your words don't affect me."
She was lying, their words chipped away at her, making her weak, vulnerable. She couldn't let it show so she put on a brave face everyday. She hadn't realised a tear or two had escaped her eyes so she wiped them away after putting her phone back on charge and placing it onto the table, she got changed into her PJ's and went to sleep, she was in troubled waters and she was drowning.

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