Chapter 1. The Boy Next Door

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Everything written here is fiction and exaggerated for the drama like most romance stories.

Sophia has always been a curious person, always wondering what's going on in others' lives. At the age of 9, she peeked out her window curious if the empty house next door had life again. Today the sign on the front lawn had changed. "Sold" she aloud. Curiosity struck her and she wondered if any children her age moved there. She sprinted down the stairs, missing a step and tripping.

"Mommy! Mommy!" She yelled with a smile on her face.

Her mom was in the kitchen making breakfast.

"What's got you all excited?" Her mom asked in a skeptical tone.

"Next door! Someone finally moved in!" Sophia blurts out rushing to finish her sentence.

"Oh, my...isn't that exciting." She replied while putting Sophia's pancakes in front of her.

"Mommy! Do you think there'll be someone my age I can play with!" Sophia asked wiggling in her chair kicking her legs back and forth.

"Hmm...I don't know. How about we head over there and introduce ourselves tomorrow."

"TOMORROW?!" Sophia groaned.

Her mother sighs.

"Sophia they need to unpack so we shouldn't bother them, we'd just stress them out."

"HMPF!" Sophia turns her head and crosses her arms. "Fine. Tomorrow..."


"SOPHIA! TIME FOR DINNER!" Her mom yells from downstairs.

"COMING MOMMY!" Sophia drops her toys and runs downstairs with her Kirby plushie in hand, she takes him everywhere.

Sophia arrives downstairs where the smell of freshly made lasagna filled the entire first floor.

After dinner, Sophia's mom noticed the extra lasagna she made for their neighbors.

"Oh, I hadn't even thought about that!" Sophia's mom declared shaking her head.

"What are you talking about mommy?" Sophia asked with her face stuff with cookies.

"Our new neighbors have probably been so busy packing they might've not had dinner. Hurry and get your coat so we can take this to them while it's still warm!" Sophia's mom instructed in a rush.

The two of them scurry out the door and arrive at their neighbor's doorbell.

"Sophia, can you ring it please?"

Sophia obediently rings the doorbell. Though she's been excited to meet them all day she was suddenly nervous.

A small Asian lady standing at 5"2 with long black hair answers the door.

"Hi!" Sophia's mom starts.

"Hello. Can I help you with something?" The lady responds in a low voice.

"Oh, we just live next door and thought we'd bring you some lasagna since you've been moving all day!" Sophia's mom replies handing her the lasagna.

"Oh my, that smells delicious thank you!" The lady takes the lasagna and leads them inside.

"WOAH!" Sophia accidentally lets out amazed by the large and pretty home. Sophia immediately covers her mouth thinking what she did was rude.

The lady releases a small chuckle and sets the lasagna down.

"My husband went to get me something at the store so just me and my little boy are home right now. Let me go get him, sorry."

"Oh no, you're fine." Sophia's mom insists.

The lady leaves soon returning holding the hand of a little boy.

"Everyone this is Ace. Ace can you say hi?"

Ace releases a small and quiet "Hi."

Sophia's mom nudges her signaling to say hi back.

Sophia says "Hi!" Back expect quite loud and with a big smile across her face.

"I'm Sophia!"

Ace nods.

"Do you not talk or something?" Sophia asks looking confused.

"SOPHIA!" Her mom says embarrassed

"Sorry I was just wondering..."

"Anyways I like my Kirby, Pokémon, the movie Avatar, and stuffing my face with cookies, soft cookies, not a fan of crunchy ones."

Ace was wearing a black shirt and some black shorts.

After judging his outfit Sophia questioned, "You must like black a lot huh?"

Ace nodded his head but soon changed it to a shake.

Sophia stood there confused waiting for an explanation, but nothing was said.

Ace's mom says "Ace likes wearing black, but his favorite color is white." To break the silence.

"Oh, that's kinda strange..." Sophia said not thinking.

Ace lowered his head a bit.

"But it's kinda cool too!" Sophia said looking at his mom not realizing his head popped up.

Ace's mom turns to Sophia's mom and says "My, your daughter is quite interesting not afraid to speak her mind and comfortably talk to adults."

Sophia's mom chuckles replying "I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse sometimes."

Both the women laugh.

"Well I think it's best we get going so you can enjoy the rest of your evening." Sophia's mom says walking out the door.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Sophia and I are going to the local park tomorrow at 1 pm, your welcome to join if you'd like."

"Oh, that would be wonderful! Would you like to go Ace?" She asks turning to her son.

Ace slowly nods.

"Well okay, then tomorrow at the park at 1 pm." Ace's mom states.

"How nice. Well, we'll be going now!"


Sophia's mom tucks her into bed kissing her forehead.

"Mommy you think Ace and I will be good friends?" Sophia asks.

"I don't know that depends on you guys and how well you get along."

Sophia frowns.

"But I have a hunch the both of you will get along just fine." Sophia's mother states before leaving and shutting the door.

Sophia cuddles her Kirby plushie wondering what the future holds for her and her new neighbor.

Word Count: 907 words

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