Day 5 Footage

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I woke up, crying and sweating. I was completely drenched in sweat. This dream felt surreal. It took me some moments to regain my composure. My breathing was unsteady and fast.

If I don't calm down fast I might have a panic attack!

Calm down...

It was only a dream ...

... a very very bad dream!


It took me good 15 minutes to calm myself down. I was still drenched, and I needed a bath quickly! I stood up and went to get my common bathroom. Nobody was there or awake. After I finished showering I head back to my room and looked over to the clock, only to see that is was 6.a.m..

It is still too early for this bullshit! 

I had 12 hours until the real game would be starting and I was nearly done preparing. One last check over before I look over the spy footage. I need to know if Kacchan was foolish enough to not share the rules and the others foolish thinking that I couldn't defeat them alone. Well I have my special plans for everyone. Depending on how much effort and how much they are linked with my past, I might spare them from a little fun.

Ok, let's see.... First off, spending around estimated 2 hours reviewing my plans for each person they need to be flawless and I need to know them without my notebooks!

...And that's what I did. It took me exactly 2 hours. I had a plan for each and every person!

Now all that I need to do is destroy my notebook so that the heroes won't find them. After all I will be in the war zone 14 hours earlier than the heroes. Best way to destroy it would be burning it...

How can I do that without anyone noticing?

I know I will be training later and doing some parkour.... I can bring it outside and burn it in some ally.

Next I need to go through all the weapons I will be using or I am planning to use. Let's see my little to do-list i have in my notebook:

Shinso's capture weapon .... ✔

Explosives ... ✔( I know that they will be providing me with these since I explicit told Nezu I wanted to use some)

C4 ✔

Weapons ... ✔( I ordered all my weapons and Maei did them for me ... so yeah that all done)

Special Bullets: Paralyze Bullets and Blood Bullets ✔

Quirk suppressing cuffs ✔

Daggers and a special Blood Knifes ✔

Special Grenades: Sleeping Gas Grenades and of course Blood Grenades ✔

Costume ... ✔( I love the new costume! Can't wait to use it!)

Villain Name:

Usagi the killer Rabbit    

At least I didn't forgot something. Ok I probably should get going I don't have all day.

I quickly took some training clothing and hid my precious notebook and the scarf inside the bag. I went out to find Aizawa to tell him I would be practicing some parkour at the training center and head out.

--- Time skip (4 hours): provided by a Sleeping Caterpillar ---

After I trained some parkour and perfected my usage with the capture weapon, I was sure I was ready. On my way, back I bought a matches and candle... Don't want to look suspicious! ... I also got some oil and some food (some apples, candies and a sandwich). I quickly paid for the few things and head to the abandoned part of the city. Needless to say that after finding this abandon building and training there for 4 days I knew that nobody would be in there.

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