Upcoming story;)

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Hello everyone, thank u so much for supporting this story, I'm just so thankful that u guys are enjoying and enjoyed my story. It means a lot to me because I've always wanted to do something like this so it just came true.

My birthday is near like it's on 5th February (I'm getting old... I can't believe I'm turning 18), so I was thinking about a new story. I've started working on one and since everyone is enjoying this story and are supporting it, as a thank you gift I will upload my new story on my birthday. I just hope that you will support it as much as you are supporting this story.

I would just like some of your opinions on the upcoming book. Like what do you want in my upcoming story, it could be like, a lot of romance or mystery it could be anything. Just comment down here and I'll make sure that I will use those opinions and ideas. It's only if you guys want to give some ideas or some of your opinions.

Ps, take care of yourselves during these days:)

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